
Four from time are for God

لله أربعة من الدهر

1. Four from time are for God
They suffice me from the sum of life

١. للهِ أرْبَعَةٌ مِنَ الدَّهرِ
حَسْبي بِها مِنْ جُملةِ العُمْرِ

2. Time was gracious with them despite its stinginess
And fulfilled them despite its betrayal

٢. سَمَحَ الزَّمانُ بِها عَلى بَخَلٍ
فِيهِ ووَفَّاها عَلى غَدْرِ

3. The eye of misfortunes was not alert to them
Until they passed, rolled away, and were not known

٣. لم يَنْتَبِهْ طَرْفُ الخَطوب لَها
حَتَّى انقَضَت فَدَرَتْ ولَمْ تَدْرِ

4. Wonder at days of encounter
Between yearning and companion of youth

٤. أعْجِبْ بها أيَّامَ مالقَةٍ
بَيْنَ المُنى وصَحابَةٍ غُرِّ

5. Whatever beauty and charm you wished for
Whatever sun and moon you wished for

٥. ما شِئْتَ من حُسْنٍ ومن حَسَنٍ
ما شِئْتَ مِنْ شَمسٍ ومِنْ بدْرِ

6. Whatever safety and hope you wished for
Whatever good news and tidings you wished for

٦. ما رُمْتَ من أمْنٍ ومِن أمَلٍ
مارُمْتَ مِنْ بُشَرٍ ومِنْ بِشْرِ

7. Our innermost thoughts are chaste so our outward selves
Are of similar openness and secrecy

٧. عَفَّتْ ضَمائِرُنا فَظاهِرُنا
مُتشابِهُ الإعْلانِ والسِّرِّ

8. Our innermost thoughts are pure so our inward selves
Are intermingled like the wind and raindrops

٨. وصَفتْ خَواطِرُنا فَباطِنُنا
مُتَمازِجٌ كالرَّاحِ والقَطْرِ

9. A melodious singer strives for us
His singing makes you needless of drinking and wine

٩. يَسْعَى عَلَيْنا مُسْمِعٌ غَرِدٌ
يُغْنِيكَ عَنْ نُقْلٍ وعَنْ خَمْرِ

10. The beauty of his tune makes the branches
Sway like the breeze does to a green branch

١٠. يَثْني المَعاطِفَ حُسْنُ نَغْمَتِهِ
فِعْلَ النَّسيمِ بِغُصنِهِ النَّضْرِ

11. He collects the notes that have fallen from him
His beauty has shackled creativity

١١. يَتَلقَّفُ النَّغماتِ عَنْهُ رَشاً
أرْبَتْ مَحاسِنُهُ عَلى الحَصْرِ

12. He shapes them into a dance to the rhythm
Nearly making the meanings of poetry visible

١٢. فَيَصُوغُها رَقْصاً عَلى قَدَمٍ
كادَتْ تُبينُ مَعانِيَ الشِّعْرِ

13. Say to the critic to adjust his cloak
If he does not know as he should know

١٣. قُلْ للقَضيبِ يُقيمُ مَعْطِفَهُ
إنْ كانَ لا يَدْرِي كما يدْرِي

14. In a garden the spring has dragged
The train of beauties whichever drag

١٤. في رَوْضةٍ جَرَّ الربيعُ بِها
ذَيْلَ المَحاسِنِ أيَّما جَرِّ

15. Embroidered globes with flowers
Surrounded by flowers on all sides

١٥. مَطْروزةِ الأدْواحِ بالزَّهْرِ
مَحْفُوفَةِ الأكنافِ بالزُّهْرِ

16. They grant fragments of their light
No small leaf or dust speck was created

١٦. تُهْدِيهِمُ من نَوْرِها قِطَعاً
ما صِغْنَ من وَرِقٍ ولا تِبْرِ

17. But it is a beauty that has varied hues for me
And beauty is of varying hues, so excuse me

١٧. لكِنَّهُ حُسْنٌ تَلوَّن لي
والحسنُ ألوانٌ فخُذْ عُذري

18. The breeze has toyed with it, laden
So they embraced waist to waist

١٨. عَبثَ النَّسيمُ بقُضبِها ثَمِلاً
فَتَعانَقَتْ خَصْراً إلى خَصْرِ

19. When pressed together, a kiss leads to a kiss
So its flowers stole a kiss from lip to lip

١٩. والضَّمُّ يُعْدي اللَّثْمَ فابتَدَرَتْ
أزهارُها ثَغْراً عَلى ثَغْرِ

20. And for many a kiss, its beginning
Was an embrace, and an embrace came from intoxication

٢٠. ولَرُبَّ لَثْمٍ كانَ أوَّلَهُ
ضَمٌّ وضَمٍّ جاءَ عَنْ سُكْرِ

21. The wide-eyed narcissus did not wink frivolously
But from what it saw of the situation

٢١. ما احْوَلَّ عَيْنُ الباقِلا عَبَثاً
لِكنْ لِما بَصُرَتْ مِنَ الأمْرِ

22. Nor did its nightingales cry out
Before it was time, except from being overpowered

٢٢. كلّا ولا صاحَتْ بَلابِلُها
قَبْلَ الأوانِ سِوى مِنَ القَهْرِ

23. I ransom our nights which robbed me
In their shadows, of life's etiquette

٢٣. أفْدي لَيالِينا الَّتي سلَبَتْ
في ظِلِّها بِعَوارفِ الدَّهْرِ

24. The ends of Sha'ban amazed me
We attained whiteness by the month's end

٢٤. أعقابَ شَعْبانٍ عَجِبْتُ لَها
بِيْضاً نَصَلْنَ أواخِرَ الشَّهْرِ

25. And often the outcome of a praised thing
Its beginning did not flow with mention

٢٥. ولَرُبَّ مَحْمُودٍ عَواقِبُهُ
لَمْ يَجْرِ أوَّلُهُ عَلى ذِكْرِ

26. Were it not for my embarrassment, I would say
Its sequence in fate is like Laylat Al-Qadr

٢٦. لَوْلا التَّحَرُّجُ قُلْتُ رُتْبَتُها
في القَدْرِ رُتْبَةُ لَيْلَةِ القَدْرِ

27. I have no qualms with it except
Its hastiness at dawn before the dawn

٢٧. ماإنْ ذَمَمْتُ لها سِوى عَجَلٍ
بالفَجْرِ قَبْلَ صَبيحةِ الفَجْرِ