
Spring greeted with narcissus and blossoms

حيا الربيع بنرجس وبهار

1. Spring greeted with narcissus and blossoms
Reply to its greeting with a cup of wine

١. حيَّا الرَّبيعُ بِنَرجِسٍ وَبَهارِ
فارْدُدْ تَحيَّتَهُ بكأسِ عُقارِ

2. Don't be stingy with its flowers for other than revelry
Spending your dinars for dinars in return

٢. لا تَجْنِ زَهْرَتَهُ لِغَير سُلافَةٍ
تصريفَكَ الدِّينارَ بالدِّينارِ

3. And give the days of spring and its excellence
A preference only in the cup and strings

٣. وَأْنَفْ لأيَّامِ الرَّبيعِ وفَضْلِها
فَضْلاً سِوى في الكاسِ والأوتارِ

4. Don't you see the face of time has worn
Like the excuse of a staff or a cup of excuse?

٤. أوَما تَرَى وَجْه الزَّمانِ قد اكْتَسى
كعِذارِ آسٍ أو كآسِ عِذارِ

5. The earth has worn her fine clothes of growth
And adorned herself with swords of rivers

٥. والأرضُ قد لَبِسَتْ مَطارِفَ نَبْتِها
وتَوشَّحتْ بِصَوارِمِ الأنْهارِ

6. Dew like pulpits above her
Preachers at dawn during dawns

٦. والدَّوْحُ أمْثال المَنابرِ فوقَها
خُطباءُ بالإسْحارِ في الأسْحارِ

7. So ignite the flint of the cup with a flame
That shades the darkness of night with daylight's glow

٧. فاقْدَحْ زِنادَ الكأْسِ عن لَهَبِيَّةٍ
تُغْشي ظَلامَ اللَّيلِ ضَوْءَ نَهارِ

8. And sip it like a full moon next
To a moon, outshining three orbiters

٨. ولْتَجْلُها بَدراً عَلى بَدْرٍ لَدى
بَدْرٍ تَفُزْ بِثَلاثةٍ أقْمارِ

9. From the palm of a lovely beauty
Raised on camping and traveling

٩. مِنْ كَفِّ بارِعَةِ الجَمال بَديعةٍ
تُربي عَلى الأوْطار والأطْوارِ

10. On a night that clad passions in its darkness
And revealed from veils the dress of virtue

١٠. في لَيْلةٍ كَسَتِ الشُّعورَ سَوادَها
وجَلَتْ من الوَجَناتِ ثَوْبَ شِعارِ

11. The sweet scent of night never exhaled the like
Of perfume, sparked toward the Pleiades

١١. ما فاحَ نَدُّ اللَّيلِ عَن مِثْل الطِّلا
قُدِحَتْ شَرارَتُها بِصَوب قِطارِ

12. I'd sacrifice her but for the darkness of her dye
That erased shadows with rays of light

١٢. أفْدِي الَّتي لَوْلا سوادُ خِضابِها
مَحَتِ الدُّجا بأشِعَّةِ الأنْوارِ

13. Haifa, protected from a watcher's slyness
By edge of sword or sword's edge

١٣. هَيْفاءُ تُحْمى عن تَخالُسٍ ناظِرٍ
بِشفارِ سُمْرٍ أو بسُمْرِ شِفارِ

14. In the night of her cloak and the night of her dye
Two moons from a face and cup of wine

١٤. في ليلِ طُرَّتِها ولَيْلِ خِضابِها
بَدْرانِ من وَجْهٍ وكأْسِ عُقارِ

15. The ways to meet her have wearied lovers
So she's attained through fantasy and recollection

١٥. أعْيَتْ عَلى العُشَّاقِ طُرْقُ وصالِها
فَمَنالُها بالوَهْمِ والتَّذكار

16. I plied her with rest as if her love
Under darkness were a string of pearls

١٦. عاطَيْتُها راحاً كأنَّ حَبابَها
تَحْتَ الدُّجا في الكأْسِ عِقْدُ دَراري

17. Yellow-skinned, aged by time and content
With long refinement of her art and cave

١٧. صَفْراءُ عَتَّقها الزَّمانُ وراضَها
طُوْلُ الثِّقافِ بِدَنِّها والغارِ

18. She came like flash kindling its fire
Hot, though unfamiliar with fire

١٨. فأتَتْ كَما الأُلهوبُ تَلْفَحُ نارُها
حَرَّى ولا عَهْدٌ لَها بالنَّارِ

19. I continued to ply and make her drink my spittle
Till drunkenness brought us closer together

١٩. مازِلْتُ أسْقيها وأشْرَبُ رِيْقَها
والسُّكْرُ يَعطِفُنا عَلى مِقدارِ

20. Till the wind bent her to my shoulders' power
And the wind knows well how to take revenge

٢٠. حَتَّى ثَنَتْها الرَّاحُ طوعَ سَواعِدي
والرَّاحُ تَعْلَمُ كَيفَ أخْذُ الثَّارِ

21. So ask about the sweetness of our night but do not
Neglect to mention my virtue and dignity with her

٢١. فاسأل بِطيْبِ حَديثِ لَيْلَتِنا وَلا
تُغْفِلْ عَفافي عِنْدَها ووَقاري