
With a beard that has become,

وشادن ذي لحية قد غدت

1. With a beard that has become,
From his moon-like face, a place to reside

١. وشادنٍ ذي لِحيَةٍ قد غَدتْ
مِنْ وجههِ الأقَمرِ في حَيِّزِ

2. Say to the one of justice, who blamed him,
With the words of a concise lover

٢. فَقُلْ لذي العَذْل الَّذي عابَهُ
بِها مَقالَ عاشِقٍ مُوجِزِ

3. It has become like the full moon of the cosmos
The cosmos must have a center

٣. أضْحَى مِنَ الأفلاك بَدْريَّها
لا بدَّ للأفلاك من مركزِ