
O you who are displaced yet reside in my heart

يا نازحين وهم بالقلب سكان

1. O you who are displaced yet reside in my heart
Travelers who neither journeyed nor appeared

١. يا نازِحِيْنَ وَهُمْ بالقَلبِ سُكَّانُ
وراحِلينَ وما سارُوا ولا بَانُوا

2. Your beings nestled between the ribs have settled
So how could there be any estrangement between us?

٢. ذَواتُكْم بينَ أحْناءِ الضُّلُوعِ ثَوَتْ
فَكيفَ لِيْ مِنكُمُ صَدٌّ وهِجرانُ

3. I'm astonished that a soul yearns for you
While you dwell in it, its spirit and human

٣. عَجِبْتُ تَشتاقُكُمْ نَفْسٌ وناظِرُها
وأنْتُمُ فِيهما رُوْحٌ وإنْسانُ

4. You are me and I am you, perfectly matched
If we were to part, love’s oblivion would be painful

٤. أنْتُمْ أنا وأنا أنْتُمْ مُطابَقةً
لو افْتَرَقْنا لَغال الحُبّ نِسيانُ

5. Do not ask me for proof of my love
For evidence cannot be provided for the tangible

٥. لا تَطْلُبوني على عِشْقِي بِبَيِّنَةٍ
فما يُقامُ عَلى المَحْسوسِ بُرهانُ