
Give it to me in a large cup

سقنيها بالكبير

1. Give it to me in a large cup
In the passion of a small meadow

١. سَقِّنِيها بالكَبيرِ
في هَوى رِيْمٍ صَغيرِ

2. Relaxing in the breeze, telling
Its color is the cheek of the full moon

٢. راحةً في الرَّاحِ يَحكي
لونُها خَدَّ المُديرِ

3. It softened a body and a cup
The softness of meaning in conscience

٣. لَطُفَتْ جِسْماً وكأْساً
لُطْفَ مَعْنىً في ضَميرِ

4. And hasten the turn of events
Preceding the turn of time

٤. وابْتَدِرْ صِرْفَ الحُمَيّا
سَابِقاً صَرْفَ الدُّهُورِ

5. And seize the sleep of an era
That remained devoid of happiness

٥. واغتنِمْ نَوْمَ زَمانٍ
ظَلَّ نَهَّابَ السُّرورِ