
He thought I had awoken from my longing,

ظن أني أفقت من أشواقي

1. He thought I had awoken from my longing,
When he saw I did not complain of my torment.

١. ظَنَّ أني أفَقْتُ مِنْ أشْواقي
إذْ رَآنِي لَمْ أشْكُهُ ما أُلاقِي

2. So he came to uncover the secret of my heart,
And behold me in a sigh and suffering.

٢. فَتَصدَّى لِخُبْرِ مُضْمَر صَدْري
فإذا بي فِي زَفْرَةٍ وسِياقِ

3. With what does he complain and how can I say to him: complain?
His soul is gentle, softened for reunion.

٣. بِمَ يَشْكُو أوْ كَيْفَ قُلْ ليَ يَشْكُو
تالِفٌ نَفْسُهُ رَقَتْ للتَّراقي

4. Ah! From this purpose and this estrangement, ah!
May God mend my fracture through reunion.

٤. أهِ مِنْ ذا النَّوى وذا الهَجْرِ آهاً
جَبَرَ الله صَدْعَتِي بالتَّلاقِي

5. Be as you wish, O beloved of my heart,
I and love are steadfast to the covenant.

٥. كُنْ كما شِئْتَ يا حُبَيِّبَ قَلْبي
إنَّنِي والهَوى عَلى العَهْدِ باقِ