
She drew her eyebrows together until they merged

جذبت حاجبها حتى اندمج

1. She drew her eyebrows together until they merged
And shot me with arrows from a quiver

١. جَذَبَتْ حاجِبَها حتّى انْدَمَجْ
ورَمَتْني بِسِهامٍ مِن دَعَجْ

2. A beauty in her face is heaven for me
Igniting what was between my ribs and confused me

٢. غادَةٌ في وَجْهِها لي جَنَّةٌ
أجَّجتْ ما بينَ أضْلاعي وَهَجْ

3. Pearls were poured upon her as a human
Other than hair and garment of silk

٣. أُفْرِغَ الدُّرُّ عَليها بَشراً
غيرَ شَعْرٍ وَلِحاظٍ من سَبجْ

4. She shows confusion and hides torment
Mixing beauty with evil so they intermingled

٤. تُظهرُ التِّيهَ وتُخفي مِقَةً
مَزَجتْ حُسناً بِسُوءٍ فامتزجْ

5. None calls her passionate except for what
Her eyelashes have shed from passion

٥. ما دَعوها مُهْجَةً إِلّا لِما
قَدْ أراقَتْ مُقلتاها مِنْ مُهَجْ