
He combined eloquence with conciseness, summarizing,

مزج البلاغة بالجزالة موجزا

1. He combined eloquence with conciseness, summarizing,
And came with it in beauty an extraordinary plea,

١. مَزج البلاغَةَ بالجزالةِ مُوجِزا
وأتَى بهِ في الحُسْنِ بِدْعاً مُعجزا

2. It flows between sweetness and softness,
Bringing together the wonderful with the wonderful and summarizing.

٢. يَنْسابُ بين حَلاوةٍ وطلاوةٍ
جمع البديع بها البديعَ فأوْجَزا

3. And it competes with me in conversation but rather
It competes with the generous outpouring of a lean palm tree.

٣. وافَى يُجاذِبُني الحَدِيثَ وإنَّما
وافى يُجَشَّم بَذْلَ نَيْلٍ مُعْوِزا

4. Why not, and the playing ground of my horses are literature when
They soar high before they can be reined back.

٤. هَلّا ومَلْعَبُ خَيْلِيَ الآدابُ إذْ
أسْمو لَها من قَبْلِ أن تُتَنَجَّزا

5. The nature of youth inclines gently towards it
Leaning towards the sphere of its beauty and bias.

٥. تَهْفُو بِعِطْفي نَحْوَها خُلُق الصِّبا
مَيْلاً لِحَيِّز حُسْنِها وتَحَيُّزا

6. But it has seized the reins of my attention
So I set out to roam through the hands of realities.

٦. أمّا وقَد جَذَبَتْ عِنانَ عِنايَتي
أيْدِي الحَقائِقِ فانْتَبَذْتُ تَجَوُّزا

7. My concern is to receive knowledge or impart it
Of what is hoped its benefits will be on Judgement Day.

٧. هَمِّي تَلَقِّي عِلْمٍ اَوْ إلقاؤُهُ
مما يُؤَمَّلُ نَفْعُهُ يومَ الجَزا

8. And the high parts of literature that have not been fabricated
After the duplicity have almost recoiled.

٨. وعَقائل الآدابِ ما لَمْ تُصْطَنَع
بعد التَّثَنِّي أوشكَتْ أن تَنْشزا

9. And the dear verses in whose composition he placed
Some clear verses that have perplexed.

٩. وعَزيزة الأبياتِ أودعَ نَظْمَها
مِن واضحِ الآياتِ ما قَدْ أعْجَزا

10. Or Wasil bin Ata was given his connection
He did not abandon its beauty and for it he withdrew.

١٠. أو واصِل بن عطاء أُعطيَ وَصْلَها
لم يَعْتزلْ عن حُسْنها ولها اعْتَزى

11. And it has become for what he came with an example
Imitated by one who utters excellent speech or weak.

١١. ولأَصبحَتْ فيما أتاهُ أُسوةً
يَعْتادُها مَنْ جَدَّ قَوْلاً أو هَزا

12. It has revived the spontaneity of the past, or rather revived
What passes of spontaneity, summarizing or prolonging.

١٢. حَيَّا بها كالاحى بل أحْيا بِها
ماضِي البَديهةِ مُسْهباً أو مُوجِزا

13. I swear by what its sublime ambitions have inscribed
On its smooth cheek that cannot be erased.

١٣. قَسَماً بما خَطَّت عَوالي نَفْسهِ
في وَجْهِ صَفحَتِها الَّذي لا يُوْتزا

14. No garden embroidered with sorrow its foliage
And ample full moons that have not arisen provoking.

١٤. ما جنّة بالحَزْنِ دَبَّج وَشْيَها
وَكّاف مُزْنٍ لَمْ يَبِتْ مُسْتَوفِزا

15. The face of time has filled it with beauties
That eyes stop to gaze at as they pass by.

١٥. قد عَمَّها وَجْهُ الزَّمانِ مَحاسِناً
تَسْتَوْقفُ الأحْداقَ أنْ تَتَجَوَّزا

16. For the lament of its departing, the fascination of one bidding farewell
Who eulogizes it, eloquently or mumbling.

١٦. لِغناءِ ساجِعها افْتِنانُ مُساجِلٍ
يُثني عَلَيْها مُفْصِحاً أو مُلْغِزا

17. The breeze has pulled along its trailing hems
And it has given off perfume and bent pliant.

١٧. سَحبَ النَّسيمُ بِها فُضولَ ذُيولِهِ
فتضوَّعت طِيْباً ولانَتْ مَغْمَزا

18. With the most perfect breath and sweetest melody
From it for one with hearing and a refined sphere.

١٨. بأتَمَّ أنفاساً وأعْذَبَ نَغْمةً
مِنْهُ لِذي سَمْعٍ وآنقَ حَيِّزا

19. Oh rouser of passions in my soul
With yearning for the one distinguished by its jewels.

١٩. إيْهٍ مُهَيِّجةَ الجوى لِجَوانحي
شَوْقاً لمنْ بِحُلى عُلاهُ تَمَيَّزا

20. With the life of my love in the course of its life
And the loyalty of a pact too solid to be shaken.

٢٠. بحياة وُدِّي في امْتدادِ حَياتِهِ
ووَفاءِ عَهْدٍ صُنتُه أنْ يُغْمَزا

21. Speak and augment and relate its state to me
Do not summarize what deserves to be told in full.

٢١. قولي وزِيْدي وابْسُطي لي حالَهُ
لا تُوجِزي ما حَقُّه أنْ يُوجزا

22. Describe, for in its descriptions lies what can be gleaned
To crack it open, and through its expressions it cannot be restrained.

٢٢. وَصِفي فَفي أوْصافِهِ ما يُجْتَلى
صَدْعاً بها فَبِوَحْيِها لا يُجْتزا

23. For Muhammad ibn Juzayy, a verse of Sudd
Who has remained lofty through it, distinguished.

٢٣. لمحمدِ بنِ جُزَيِّ آيةُ سُؤددٍ
قد ظَلَّ في العَليا بِها مُتَمَيِّزا

24. A calling when glory is attained through effort
That does not stop striving to be honored.

٢٤. نَدْبٌ إذا ما المجدُ نِيْلَ بِمِهْنَةٍ
لم يأْلُ أنْ يَحْظى بهِ مُتَعَزّزا

25. The intellect of the Juzayy clan has become one morning
The shooting stars of enlightenment in every horizon and sphere.

٢٥. أضْحى ذكاء بَني جُزَيٍّ غدوةً
شُهب العَلاءِ بِكُلِّ أُفقٍ حَيِّزا

26. And time through it has attained the balance of beauties
And now is the time for its promise to be fulfilled.

٢٦. وغدا الزَّمانُ به اعتدالَ مَحاسِنٍ
والآنَ آنَ لِوَعْدِهِ أنْ يُنْجَزا

27. And to you from me the excuse of one lean
For I have soared to it smooth and lean.

٢٧. وإليكَها مِنِّي تَعِلَّةَ مُعْوِزٍ
فلَقَدْ سَموت إليه سَهْلاً مُعْوزا

28. I have avoided what you avoided therein courteously
So whom you have cast off, his rejection is justified to me.

٢٨. جانَبْتُ ما جانَبْتَ فيه تَشَيُّعاً
فَمَنِ انْتَبَذْتَ فَنَبْذُهُ عِندي الجَزا