1. O Abu Dulaf, the poor man's eye
Is on the one who hopes for the use of your hands and desires it
١. أَبا دُلَفٍ إن الفَقيرَ بِعينِهِ
لَمَن يَرتَجي جَدوى يَدَيكَ وَيَأمَلُه
2. I see for you a door closed, aloof
If they open it away from you, then misery is its contents
٢. أَرى لَكَ باباً مُغلَقاً مُتَمَنِّعاً
إِذا فَتَحوهُ عَنكَ فَالبُؤسُ داخِلُه
3. And you are not ashamed of blame for one
Whom you are stingy over something which you consume
٣. وَإِنك لا تخزي مِنَ اللوم للذي
تشح عَلَى الشيء الذي أنتَ آكِلُه
4. As if you were a drum raising sounds, self-admiring
Empty of virtues, desolate are its entrances
٤. كَأَنَّكَ طَبل رافِعُ الصَوتِ مُعجَبٌ
خلاءٌ مِنَ الخَيراتِ قَفرٌ مَداخِلُه
5. And the strangest thing about you is the surrender of his matter
To you jestingly, and you are the receiver
٥. وَأَعجَبُ شَيءٍ فيكَ تَسليمُ أَمرِهِ
إِلَيكَ عَلى طَنزٍ وَأَنَّكَ قابِلُه