
A hero with his breastplate and sharp blades,

بطل بصدر حسامه وسنانه

1. A hero with his breastplate and sharp blades,
More glorious than any breastplate or coats of mail,

١. بَطَلٌ بِصَدرِ حُسامِهِ وَسِنانِهِ
أَجلان مِن صَدرٍ وَمِن إيرادِ

2. Al-Qasim inherited virtues and attained them,
With metal plates, spears, and steeds,

٢. وَرَثَ المَكارِمَ وَاِبتَناها قاسمٌ
بِصَفائِحٍ وَأَسِنَّةٍ وَجِيادِ

3. O pillar of the Arabs, without whom
They would have no pillar to lean on,

٣. يا عِصمَةَ العَرَبِ الَّتي لَو لَم تَكُن
حَيّاً إِذاً كانَت بِغَيرِ عِمادِ

4. When eyes see you, their kohl
Returns not out of mourning but of awe,

٤. إِنَّ العُيونَ إِذا رَأَتكَ مِدادُها
رَجَعَت مِنَ الإِجلالِ غَيرَ حِدادِ

5. And when you aim your mouth with determination
You open in it places of obstruction,

٥. وَإِذا رَمَيتَ الثَغرَ مِنكَ بِعَزمَةٍ
فَتَّحتَ مِنهُ مَواضِعَ الأَسدادِ

6. As though your spear soaked in saffron,
And your sword sheathed in scabbards,

٦. وَكَأَنَّ رُمحَكَ مُنقَعٌ في عُصفُرٍ
وَكَأَنَّ سَيفَكَ سُلَّ مِن فِرصادِ

7. If Abu Dulaf got angry at the white swords,
They would melt in their sheaths,

٧. لَو صالَ مِن غَضَبٍ أَبو دُلَفٍ عَلى
بيضِ السُيوفِ لَذُبنَ في الأَغمادِ

8. He provoked and ignited for the enemies and towns,
Two fires - a fire of blood and a fire of fuel.

٨. أَورى وَنَوَّرَ لِلعَداوَةِ وَالقرى
نارَينِ نار دَمٍ وَنار زنادِ