
Until the eye ceases to weep, weeping continues

حتى م تبكي العين طال البكاء

1. Until the eye ceases to weep, weeping continues
As if the sadness in which it ends has no end

١. حتى م تبكي العين طال البكاء
أما لحزن بت فيه انقضاء

2. O time, you have betrayed me, you have betrayed me
I did not think you were so little loyal

٢. قد خنتني يا دهر قد خنتني
ما كنت أحجوك قليل الوفاء

3. If enumerating my possessions could help me
Or hiding them would lessen this concealment

٣. إن أبد مالي يعيني سرده
أو أخفه يزدد بهذا الخفاء

4. My hopes have died and when they died
I lived for despair, not for hope

٤. ماتت أماني ولما أمت
أحيا إذن للياس لا للرجاء

5. I have become reluctant towards all I desire
Alas! There is no satisfaction like acceptance

٥. أصبحت آبى كل ما أرتجي
هيهات ما مثل الاباء الرضا

6. How can I console my heart for what has passed?
Woe to a heart that has no consolation

٦. كيف أعزي القلب عما مضى
ويل لقلب ما له من عزاء

7. I continued to call a group to guidance
But they went astray, so my long call was fruitless

٧. ما زلت أدعو للهدى معشراً
ضلوا فلما يجد طول الدعاء

8. My call was lost when I called them
If I had not wasted it, that call would not have been lost

٨. ضاع ندائي حين ناديتهم
لو لم أضع ما ضاع ذاك النداء

9. These are ruins that decay has erased
And these are ruins that time has covered

٩. هذي رسوم قد محاها البلى
وذي رسوم قد علاها العفاء

10. Wherever you go you will find a sinner
Crying, weeping, and reluctant to weep

١٠. فحيثما تسع تجد مأثماً
باك ومبكي وآبي البكاء

11. They have no morning after morning
Nor an evening after evening

١١. ليس صباح بصباح لهم
ولا مساء لهم بالمساء

12. There are men in God's care who have passed away
Long has the ground been their shelter

١٢. في ذمة الله رجال قضوا
طال بهم تحت القبور الثواء

13. Neither that crown after them
Nor the splendor of that kingdom, that splendor

١٣. لا التاج ذاك التاج من بعدهم
ولا بهاء الملك ذاك البهاء

14. Princes tear their prisons apart
And He lets whom He wills inherit His land

١٤. تشقي جراغان بسجينها
ويجتلي بيعته من يشاء

15. O Lord, this is the Ka'ba I erected
As a pillar, and this is the seal of the prophets

١٥. يا رب هذي كعبة شيدت
ركناً وهذا خاتم الأنبياء

16. My oppressors have wronged me between them
And it was enough evil to wrong me between them

١٦. اساءني بينهما ظالمي
وقد كفى بينهما أن أساء

17. I lost a people whose loss I mourn
But what does my wailing accomplish?

١٧. أعدم قوماً بت أرثيهم
والهفي ماذا يفيد الرتاء

18. They were my succor when I had no succor
They were my growth when I had no growth

١٨. كانوا غيوثي حين لا غيث لي
كانوا نمائي حين ما لي نماء

19. I say, and tyranny with its calamities
Saddles for the king the steeds of mortality

١٩. أقول والطلم بآفاته
يحتث للملك مطايا الفناء

20. The anguished should not despair of relief
Nor the sick ever of healing

٢٠. لا ييأس المكروب من فرجة
ولا عليل أبداً من شفاء

21. Justice is a strong sultan
God supports it with the troops of destiny

٢١. العدل سلطان شديد القوى
ينصره الله بجند القضاء