
You have blamed the lover much and chided him,

أكثرت في لوم المحب وعذله

1. You have blamed the lover much and chided him,
Yet you have found your heart devoid of his preoccupation.

١. أكْثَرتَ في لَوْمِ المحب وعذلِه
ووجدتَ قلبك خالياً من شُغلِه

2. You have pretended indifference to the people of al-‘Uqayq,
But who can truly turn away from al-‘Uqayq and its people?

٢. وأردتَ عن أهلِ العقيق تجلّداً
فمَنِ المعيض عن العقيق وأهله

3. Its water does not please you when with me,
Nor does its sand allure you in the land as his sand does.

٣. لاَمَا يروقُكَ ماؤه عِنْدي ولاَ
رَمْلٌ يشوقك في البلاد كرمله

4. The images of the departing ones are more precious to me
Than if they sought my life with it, I would not hold it back.

٤. أغلا عليَّ النازِحونَ خيالَهم
ولو ابتغوا عمري به لم أغْله

5. They open up to me the talk of passion,
Thus they unlock a heart that had been locked.

٥. أمُطَارحين لي الحديثَ عن اللوى
فتحوا فؤاداً كان قبلُ بقُفلِه

6. They said passion is easy, but they did not know passion -
Alas! Its rugged parts are far from its smoothness.

٦. قالوا الهوى سهلٌ ومَا عرفوا الهوى
هيهاتَ غُيّب صعبه عن سهله

7. In the plain of Banu ‘Alam, the oryx
Still has its crown glistening in its rubbing place.

٧. وببانةِ العَلَمين ظُبي لم يزل
ذو التاج يسطعُ عندَ موضع حجلِه

8. Shall I betray the covenant of al-Husayn regarding his sons?
Shall I forfeit the right of Muhammad regarding his progeny?

٨. أأخونُ عهدَ حسينِ في أبنائه
وأضيعُ حقّ مُحمّدٍ في نسلِه

9. The camel-litter cries when its sister is prodded,
And the dog barks about the dwellings of its people.

٩. والعَيْرُ تألمُ حينَ تطرَقُ أختَها
والكلبُ ينْبحُ عن دويرةِ أهلِه

10. But ‘Ali - he is the pillar of Muhammad
In what I know, and his origin is from his origin.

١٠. أمّا عليٌّ فهو صُنوُ مُحمّدٍ
فيما علمتُ وأصلُه مِنْ أصلِه

11. If Abu Bakr had wanted the imamate,
His father would have been your imam before him.

١١. أَوَلَو أبو بكر أرادَ إِمَامةً
فأبُوه كان إمامَكم من قبْلِه

12. This group - the secret of them is from the origin of prophethood,
From before that, and their merit is from His merit.

١٢. فالقومُ مِنْ أصل النبوّة سِرُّهم
من قبلِ ذاك وفضلُهُم من فضلِه

13. They are a group the people take shade under their shade,
Rather, clouds the people are watered from their rain.

١٣. هم معشرٌ تأوي الأنامُ بظلّهم
بل وابلٌ تُسْقى الأنامُ بوبْلِه

14. But an oasis - lofty, holy -
Lengthened over Najd, the lands and their plains,

١٤. بل دَوْحةٌ بجلِيّةٌ قُدسِيّة
طالت على نجدٍ البلادِ وسَهْلِه

15. Protecting their elders over their children,
As the forest protects its lion over its cub.

١٥. تحمي أكابرهم على أطفالهم
والغابُ يَحْمي ليثه عن شِبْلِه

16. Chosen from all those who come after him
To see for the universe as he sees before him.

١٦. مِنْ كلّ مُنتَخبِ يرى مِنْ خَلْفِه
للكائناتِ كما يَرى مِن قبْلِه

17. And the most honorable death of every one noble,
Every one of merit and glory, is to kiss the sole of his foot.

١٧. وأعزُّ مُنية كلّ ذي سِرٍّ وذي
شرفٍ ومجدٍ لَثِمٌ أخْمصُ رجلهِ

18. Behind the Prophet, their graves are of his light,
Evident marks, and their merits are of his merits.

١٨. خلَفُ النبي قبورُهم من نوره
بادي السَّنا وفَضلُهم من فضلهِ

19. Time has sworn for every pure one among them
That it will never bring one equal to him.

١٩. حَلَفَ الزمَانُ لكلِّ طهرٍ منهُم
أن لا أتى طولَ الزمانِ بمثلِه

20. In the sight of God, there is no difference between them together
And between the prophets from among His messengers.

٢٠. لاَ فرق عندَ الله بينهم مَعاً
أبداً وبين الأنبياء من رسلِه

21. Their youngest surrounds and protects his neighbor,
His herd, his people, and his progeny.

٢١. مَلأٌ صغيرُهم يحوطُ لجاره
ولسرْبِه ولأهلِه ولنسلِه

22. Their branches are wholesome from the wholesomeness of their roots,
And the branch, its wholesomeness is from the wholesomeness of its origin.

٢٢. طابتْ فروعهُم لطيب أصولهم
والفرُع طِيْبَتُه لطيبةِ أصلِه

23. If one of them speaks a word, he fulfills it in his speech,
And the words of a master suffice over his action.

٢٣. إن قال قائلهم وَفى في قوله
وكفتْ مقالةُ سيّدٍ عن فعلِه

24. I attack with my palms the most churlish of them,
With dew that moistens through the sleeve.

٢٤. تهمي على المسترفدينَ أكفُّهم
بندىً يُهجّنُ بالحيا في وبله

25. Time has worn out the newness of everything lasting,
Yet their newness with them, it has not worn it out.

٢٥. أبلى الزمَانُ جديدَ كلّ مُعَمّرٍ
وجديدُ ودّي عندهم لم يُبلِه

26. Do not seek the eye of perfection, for it
Will preoccupy what comes between the intelligent and his mind.

٢٦. لا تبتغوا عينَ الكمَالِ فإنّها
لتحولُ مَا بين اللبيب وعقله