
My soul I sacrifice for you, I sing facing youth

روحي فداك أغن مقتبل الصبا

1. My soul I sacrifice for you, I sing facing youth
The sickness toyed with his eyes and his waist

١. روحي فداك أغن مقتبل الصبا
عبثَ السقامُ بطرفهِ وبخصرِه

2. A moon that lent the garden beauty from him
Increased upon it, tenderness in

٢. قَمَرٌ أعار الروض منه محاسناً
زادت عليه نضارة في

3. His bending lips, the slope of his shoulders
And for his swaying light, the softness of his mouth

٣. فَلِبانهِ الميّال عطفة قَدِّه
ولنَورِه المختال رقَّة ثغرِه