
My thirsty longing for you - why?

صد حمى ظمئي لماك لماذا

1. My thirsty longing for you - why?
And your love has made my heart withered.

١. صدٌّ حَمى ظمئي لَمَاكَ لِماذا
وهَواكَ قلبي صارَ مِنْهُ جُذَاذا

2. If being wrapped up in your pleasure is youthfulness,
Then eternity is for you, and in it I found delight.

٢. إن كان في تلَفي رِضاكَ صبابةً
ولكَ البقاء وجَدْتُ فيه لذاذا

3. You took away my healthy liver, so favor
My remains with it, preserved for my dear ones.

٣. كبِدي سلَبتَ صحيحةً فامنُنْ على
رَمَقي بها مَمنونةً أفلاذا

4. O shooter! Shooting from the bow of his glances
Arrows from his frowning eyebrows forcefully.

٤. يا رامياً يَرْمي بسَهْمِ لِحاظِهِ
عن قَوس حاجِبِهِ الحشَا إنفاذا

5. Why did you abandon me for the separation of a slanderer
Whose blame is a blemish - so here is the separation.

٥. أنّى هجَرتَ لِهجْرِ واشٍ بي كمَنْ
في لَوْمِهِ لُؤْمٌ حكَاهُ فهاذَا

6. And whoever transgressed against me regarding you
Has indeed transgressed in his own sanctuary.

٦. وعليّ فيكَ مَنِ اعتدَى في حِجْره
فقَد اغتدى في حِجْرِهِ مَلّاذا

7. Other than complaining, he will not find me blaming
those who contained the beauty of the terrain completely.

٧. غَيرَ السّلُوِّ تجِدْهُ عندي لائِمي
عمّن حَوَى حُسْنَ الورى استحواذا

8. O how much I wish it would be steady, wherein is sweetness,
Changing my state - the sweet one - to scattered about.

٨. يا ما أُمَيْلحَهُ رَشاً فيه حَلا
تبديلُهُ حالي الحَلِي بَذّاذا

9. He has given generously and with beauty,
To the finest and the souls most penetrating.

٩. أضحى بإحسانٍ وحُسْنٍ مُعْطياً
لِنَفائسٍ ولَأنْفُسٍ أخّاذا

10. A sword that sheds tears on the heart - his eyelids -
And I see slackness for it through him, begging.

١٠. سَيْفَاً تَسِلُّ على الفؤاد جُفُونُه
وأرى الفُتورَ لهُ بها شحّاذا

11. Killing me - they increase depicting it -
My killing among the family of Yazdaj.

١١. فتْكاً بنا يزْدادُ منهُ مُصَوراً
قَتْلي مُساوِرَ في بني يَزْداذا

12. No wonder he made separation his she-camels
When he remained a deadly and decisive separator.

١٢. لا غَرْوَ أنْ تَخذَ العِذَارَ حمائلا
إذْ ظَلّ فتّاكاً به وقّاذا

13. With his glance there is magic - if its deed appeared
To Harut he would have been for it a teacher.

١٣. وبِطَرْفِهِ سِحْرٌ لَوَ ابْصَرَ فِعْله
هاروتُ كان له به أستاذا

14. Wander in this full moon in the atmosphere of the sky -
My isolation from you - so why this isolation?

١٤. تَهْذِي بهذا البَدرِ في جَوِّ السّما
خَلِّ افْتِراكَ فذاكَ خِلّي لاذا

15. The doe-eyed one distracted, and the gazelle, for his face,
Glancing about, and in it seeking refuge - so why?

١٥. عَنَتِ الغزالَةُ والغَزَالُ لِوَجْهِهِ
مُتَلفّتاً وبه عِياذاً لاذا

16. His refinement prevailed over the blossoming of youth,
And his compassion refused assuming disguises - so why?

١٦. أرْبَت لَطافتُهُ على نَشْرِ الصَّبا
وأبَت تَرافَتُهُ التّقَمّصَ لاذا

17. And the paleness of his cheek complained of his roses,
And the roughness of his heart told of steel.

١٧. وشَكَتْ بَضاضةُ خدّهِ من وَرْدِهِ
وحَكَتْ فظاظةُ قلبِه الفولاذا

18. The burning of the moles of his cheek, my brother,
Has preoccupied me with anguish that refused rescue.

١٨. عَمَّ اشْتِعالا خالُ وجْنَتِهِ أخا
شُغْل به وجْداً أبَى استنِقاذا

19. The waist of the afflicted one, the fresh and sweet when kissed,
Aloes wood, it surpassed, pure and aromatic.

١٩. خَصِرُ اللّمى عذْبُ المُقَبَّلِ بُكْرةً
قبلَ السّواكِ المِسْكَ ساد وشاذى

20. Intoxicated am I from his mouth, and his glances, rather I see,
In each of his limbs regarding him, bubbles.

٢٠. مِن فيِه والألحاظُ سُكْرِي بل أرى
في كلّ جارحَة به نَبّاذا

21. His waist belts have spoken, a stamp, so
The seals of waists were silenced, an injury.

٢١. نَطَقَتْ مَناطقُ خَصْرِهِ خَتْماً إذا
صَمْتُ الخواتِم للخناصِرِ آذى

22. They became gentle and akin to me, the forgetfulness,
Yes, and that means it brought ease, so it rhymed.

٢٢. رقّتْ ودَقّ فناسبَتْ مِنّي النّسي
بَ وذاك معْناه استَجادَ فحاذى

23. Like a branch bending, and the dawn, dawning,
And the night, exuberant, from it, adjoining the adjoining.

٢٣. كالغُصْنِ قدّاً والصّباحِ صباحَة
واللّيْلِ فَرعاً منهُ حاذى الحاذا

24. His love taught me asceticism, when
He related, disciplined, the farewells of return an obstruction.

٢٤. حُبّيِه عَلّمنِي التّنَسُكَ إذ حكى
مُتَعَفّفاً فَرَقَ المَعادِ مُعاذا

25. So I made taking off the adornments for him as his cloak
When the kissing of the adornment was an obstruction.

٢٥. فَجَعَلْتُ خَلْعِي للْعِذَار لِثَامَه
إذ كان من لثْم العِذار مُعاذا

26. And for us in the fear of parting, a place of return less than them -
The fate of the parting, my enemy, appropriate for pouring harm.

٢٦. ولنا بخَيْفِ مِنىً عُرَيْبٌ دونَهُمْ
حَتْفُ المُنى عادي لِصَبّ عاذا

27. And with the agony of your loss, the gazelle of my love,
With the gazelle, when he shared in taking.

٢٧. وبجزع ذَياك الحِمي ظَبيُ حَمَي
بِظُبَي اللواحِظِ إذ أحاذ إخاذا

28. They are the tears of lovers flowing, and its intensity voluntary offered
Valleys and paid loyalty its floods.

٢٨. هيَ أدمُعُ العُشّاقِ جادَ ولِيُّها ال
وادي ووالى جُودُها الألْواذا

29. How many destitutes, then no one like Ja'far
Came to the honorable ones asking, begging.

٢٩. كَمْ من فقيرٍ ثَمّ لا من جعفر
وافى الأجارعَ سائلاً شَحّاذا

30. Before the caravan dispersed from Amarah
We used to disperse wishes, thighs.

٣٠. من قبلِ ما فَرَقَ الفريقُ عَمارةً
كُنّا فَفَرّقَنا النّوى أَفْخَاذا

31. I was isolated from them in Damascus, distant
Like reunification, and they pitched tents in Baghdad.

٣١. أُفْرِدْتُ عنهُمْ بالشّآمِ بُعَيْدَ ذا
كَ الإِلِتئَامِ وخَيّمُوا بغْداذا

32. Separation gathered worries upon me after
They were near me from them, harm.

٣٢. جمعَ الهُمومَ البُعدُ عِندي بعدَ أن
كانت بقُرْبي منهُمُ أفذاذا

33. Oaths like covenants are with them at peace -
How so when I do not have for it purity, scattered about?

٣٣. كالعَهْد عندهُمُ العهودُ على الصّفا
أنّى ولَستُ لها صفاً نَبّاذا

34. And patience is patience from them and upon them
I see it then as harm, burdensome.

٣٤. والصّبرُ صَبْرٌ عنهُمُ وعَلَيْهِمُ
عِندي أراهُ إذنْ أذى أزّاذا

35. Consolation became difficult, and my anguish with the family
They plotted, so they were with plotting, refuge.

٣٥. عَزّ العَزاءُ وجَدّ وَجْدي بالأُلى
صرموا فكانوا بالصّريم ملاذا

36. Diversion from me to you so my eyelid
Which was lined with them - do not make it collapse seeking more.

٣٦. رِئمَ الفَلا عنّي إليكَ فمُقْلَتي
كُحِلَتْ بهم لا تُغْضِهَا استِئْخَاذا

37. I swear by the one in whom I see his torment
Pleasant and in his humiliation, pleasure.

٣٧. قَسَماً بمَنْ فيه أرى تعذيبَهُ
عَذْباً وفي استِذْلاله استِلْذاذا

38. My eye has not deemed good anything but him even if he captivates
But my captivity and I was not refuge.

٣٨. ما استحسَنَتْ عيني سواهُ وإن سبى
لكنْ سواي ولمْ أكن مَلاّذا

39. None spied but in yearning
From around him, sneaking about, why?

٣٩. لمْ يَرْقُبِ الرُّقَبَاءُ إلاّ في شَجٍ
مِن حَولِهِ يَتَسَلّلُون لِواذا

40. He used to be counted before among the dead of Rasha
A lion for the lions of evildoers, wasted.

٤٠. قد كان قبلَ يُعَدّ من قَتلى رَشاً
أسَداً لآسادِ الشّرى بَذّاذا

41. He has spent the night in the fire of his passion which
Has made his entrails - from it - see kindling, not rescue.

٤١. أَمْسى بنار جوىً حَشَتْ أحشاءَه
مِنْها يرى الإِيقادَ لا الإِنقاذا

42. Perplexed! You will not find him but rarely
From all directions I see him, sturdy.

٤٢. حَيرانُ لا تلْقَاهُ إلاّ قلتَ مِنْ
كُلّ الجهاتِ أرى بِه جَبّاذا

43. Inflamed! Distressed of ribs in anguish
That overwhelmed anguish, so he sought, seeking repeatedly.

٤٣. حَرّانُ مَحنِيُّ الضّلوعِ على أسىً
غَلَبَ الإِسى فاسْتَنْجَذَ اسْتَنْجَاذَا

44. Weak! Whom illness has afflicted, so it afflicted
When he saw in his body from his harm, nutrition.

٤٤. دَنِفٌ لسيبُ حشىً سليبُ حُشاشةٍ
شَهِدَ السّهادُ بِشَفْعِه مِمْشاذا

45. He showed the grief of gloom for his consolation when
Youth died in his bosom, withered.

٤٥. سَقَمٌ أَلمّ به فآلم إذ رأى
بالجِسْمِ مِنْ اغدادهِ اغذاذا

46. So he became, and the enemy was delighted with his youth,
Disguised, and with his old age, craving.

٤٦. أبدى حِدادَ كآبَةٍ لِعَزَاهُ إذ
ماتَ الصبَا في فَوْدِه جَذّاذا

47. The grief of beds - there is no end to its sending -
Grief with that the judgment carried out effectively.

٤٧. فغَدا وقد سُرّ العِدَى بشبابه
مُتَقَمّصاً وبشَيِبِه مُشْتاذا

48. He sheds tears repeatedly and does not withhold them, his eyelids,
For the dryness of loved ones, a torrent and spray.

٤٨. حَزْنُ المَضاجِع لا نَفَاذَ لِبَثّه
حُزْناً بذاك قَضى القضاءُ نَفاذا

49. He gave the plains the plains of his tears but
The clouds were stingy with it while he gave generously.

٤٩. أبداً تَسُحّ وما تشحُّ جفُونُهُ
لِجَفا الأحِبّةِ وابِلاً ورَذاذا

50. The returning ones said when they saw him:
“If the one who killed passion is there, then this is him.”

٥٠. مَنَحَ السُّفُوحَ سُفوح مَدْمَعِه وقد
بَخِلَ الغَمامُ به وجاد وِجَاذَا