1. I see distance has not occurred to anyone but you in my mind
And if dangers draw near my frail body
١. أرى البُعْدَ لم يُخْطِرْ سواكم على بالي
وإن قَرّبَ الأخطارَ من جسدي البالي
2. So good for ailments by my obedience
Orders of my passions and disobedience of my punisher
٢. فيا حبّذا الأسقامُ في جَنبِ طاعتي
أوامِرَ أشواقي وعصيانِ عُذّالي
3. And oh how sweet is humiliation in your companionship
And if it prides what sweeter splitting of my joints
٣. ويا ما ألذّ الذلّ في عِزّ وَصْلِكُمْ
وإن عَزّ ما أحلى تقَطُّعَ أوصالي
4. You went away so my state without you is an idle shadow
And it's not of what was ugly but delighted you my state
٤. نأيْتُمْ فحالي بَعدكُمْ ظَلّ عاطِلاً
وما هوَ مِمّا ساء بل سَرّكُمْ حالي
5. Yes, with it when I was tested young
That tested me so I have from it the submissiveness of deference
٥. بَلَيْتُ بِهِ لمّا بُليتُ صَبابةً
أبَلّتْ فلي منها صُبَابَةُ إبلال
6. I set on my eyes by blinking their lids
The wiles of the phantom's false visions a trickster's ruse
٦. نَصَبْتُ على عيني بتَغْميضِ جَفْنِها
لِزَورَةِ زُورِ الطّيف حيلةَ مُحتال
7. So blinking did not help me but it imposed
On me a lasting tear shedding plentifully
٧. فما أسعَفَتْ بالغُمضِ لكِن تعَسّفت
عليّ بدَمْعٍ دائمِ الصّوبِ هَطّال
8. Oh my elation melt for the loss of my delight
To the travel of my hopes and arrival of my matter
٨. فيا مُهْجَتي ذوبي على فَقْدِ بَهْجَتي
لِتَرْحَالِ آمالي ومَقْدَمِ أوجالي
9. And console me with a tear for I sufficed by the abundance
Of what flowed from my blood when increased what was between ruins
٩. وضِنّي بدَمْعٍ قد غَنَيْتُ بفَيْضِ ما
جرَى من دمي إذ طُلّ ما بينَ أطلال
10. And who can please the beloved even if the cooing arises
For my deference is my affliction and confusion
١٠. ومَنْ لي بأن يرضى الحبيبُ وإن علا النْ
نَحِيبُ فإبْلالي بَلائي وبَلْبَالي
11. So there was no burden on me in his love ever
Even if plentiful what I endured of saying and talking
١١. فما كَلَفِي في حُبّهِ كُلْفَةً لهُ
وإن جَلّ ما ألْقَى من القيل والقال
12. I remained through him when I perished by his love
By wealth of my preference and abundance of my paucity
١٢. بقيتُ بهِ لمّا فَنيتُ بحُبّه
بِثَرْوَةِ إيثاري وكَثْرَةِ إقلالي
13. God shepherd a praiser who I never ceased in his meadows
Meaningful and say if you wish oh one self-pleased
١٣. رعَى اللهُ مَغنىً لم أَزَلْ في ربوعِهِ
معنّىً وقُلْ إن شئتَ يا ناعِم البال
14. And greet greeting one who reproached me and did not stop
Repeating from the tale of the one with the mole
١٤. وحَيّا مُحَيّا عاذلٍ ليَ لم يزَلْ
يكرِّرُ من ذِكْرَى أحاديث ذي الخال
15. He related a tradition with me so I quench from the echo
And guide to guidance so wonder and he wanted my straying
١٥. رَوَى سُنّة عندي فأرْوى من الصّدى
وأهدى الهُدى فاعجبْ وقد رام إضلالي
16. So I loved the blame of misguidance in him if I
Was given what I wish it would be the signet of my punisher
١٦. فأحببتُ لَوْمَ اللّؤمِ فيه لو انّني
مُنِحْتُ المُنى كانت علامةَ عُذّالي
17. I was ignorant that I said propose oh my torturer upon me
So he uncovered for me and said ask my chains
١٧. جَهِلَتُ بأن قُلْتُ اقترحْ يا معذّبي عليّ
فأجْلى لي وقال اسْلُ سلسالي
18. Alas to ask and in every hair for my doom
Enamored forthcoming oh what forthcoming
١٨. وهيهاتِ أن أسلو وفي كلّ شعرةٍ
لِحَتْفِي غرامٌ مُقْبِلٌ ايّ إقبال
19. And he said to me the pain of his aim
Adorned with it leave his love I said sweeter for me
١٩. وقَالَ ليَ الاَحي مَرارةُ قصْدِهِ
تَحَلّى بِها دَعْ حُبّهُ قلتُ أحلى لي
20. I sacrificed my soul for the comfort of his nearness
And it's not weird my sacrificing the expensive for the precious
٢٠. بذَلْتُ له روحي لراحَةِ قُرْبِهِ
وغيرُ عجيبٍ بذْليَ الغالِ في الغالي
21. So he was generous but with distance for my misery
Oh disappointment of effort and loss of my hopes
٢١. فجادَ ولكن بالبُعادِ لِشِقْوَتي
فيا خَيبَةَ المَسعى وضَيعَةَ آمالي
22. And his time came to me suddenly in an instant
And I did not know that fate takes away fate
٢٢. وحانَ لهُ حَيني على حِينِ غِرّةٍ
ولم أدرِ أنّ الآلَ يَذْهَبُ بالآل
23. Emaciation took control of my body so if
A messenger came to take me he would get lost in a place
٢٣. تحكّمَ في جسمي النُّحولُ فلو أتَى
لِقَبْضِي رسولٌ ضَلَّ في موضع خال
24. So if the rest of the illness intended me he would seek help in
Avoiding with what my condition presented him of intimacy
٢٤. فلو هَمّ باقي السقمِ بي لاستعانَ في
تَلافي بما حالَتْ له من ضنىً حالي
25. And none remains of me that speaks to my imagination
Except the honor of humiliation in the humiliation of veneration
٢٥. ولم يبقَ منّي ما يُناجي تَوَهُّمِي
سِوى عزِّ ذُلٍّ في مهانَةِ إجْلالِ