
Increase me in excessive love for you, confused

زدني بفرط الحب فيك تحيرا

1. Increase me in excessive love for you, confused
And have mercy on one whose heart your love has set aflame

١. زِدْني بفَرْطِ الحُبّ فيك تَحَيّرا
وارْحَمْ حشىً بلَظَى هواكَ تسعّرا

2. And if I ask to see you in reality
Allow it, and do not make your answer "You will not see."

٢. وإذا سألُتكَ أن أراكَ حقيقةً
فاسمَحْ ولا تجعلْ جوابي لن تَرى

3. O my heart, you promised me patience in loving them
So beware narrowness and annoyance

٣. يا قلبُ أنتَ وعدَتني في حُبّهمْ
صَبراً فحاذرْ أن تَضِيقَ وتَضجرا

4. Passion is life, so die of it
Vigorously, for you have the right to die excused

٤. إنَّ الغرامَ هوَ الحياةُ فمُتْ بِهِ
صَبّاً فحقّك أن تَموتَ وتُعذرا

5. Say to those who preceded me, and those
After me, and those who have seen my anguish

٥. قُل لِلّذِينَ تقدَّموا قَبلي ومَن
بَعدي ومَن أضحى لأشجاني يَرَى

6. Take from my eyes, follow my example, listen to me
And speak of my youthfulness among people

٦. عني خذوا وبي اقْتدوا وليَ اسمعوا
وتحدّثوا بصَبابتي بَينَ الوَرى

7. And I was alone with the beloved, and between us
A secret gentler than the breeze when it blows

٧. ولقد خَلَوْتُ مع الحَبيب وبَيْنَنَا
سِرٌّ أرَقّ منَ النسيمِ إذا سرى

8. And he allowed my glance a look I wished for
So I became known though I was a stranger

٨. وأباحَ طَرْفِي نَظْرْةً أمّلْتُها
فَغَدَوْتُ معروفاً وكُنْتُ مُنَكَّرا

9. I was amazed between his beauty and his majesty
And the tongue of my state began to inform about me

٩. فَدُهِشْتُ بينَ جمالِهِ وجَلالِهِ
وغدا لسانُ الحال عنّي مُخْبِرا

10. So turn your gaze to the beauties of his face
Where you will find all beauty depicted

١٠. فأَدِرْ لِحَاظَكَ في محاسنِ وجْهه
تَلْقَى جميعَ الحُسْنِ فيه مُصَوَّرا

11. If all beauty were to be made into an image
And he saw it, he would swoon and pronounce God's greatness

١١. لو أنّ كُلّ الحُسْنِ يكمُلُ صُورةً
ورآهُ كان مُهَلِّلاً ومُكَبِّرا