1. I copied with my love the verse of passion before me
So the people of desire are my soldiers and my rule is over all
١. نسخْتُ بِحَبّي آية العِشْقِ من قبلي
فأهْلُ الهوى جُندي وحكمي على الكُلّ
2. And every youth who loves, I am his leader
And I am innocent of a youth who listens to rebuke
٢. وكلُّ فَتىً يهوى فإنّي إمَامُهُ
وإني بَريءٌ من فَتىً سامعِ العَذْلِ
3. And I have knowledge in love, its attributes are magnificent
And whoever love has not made insightful, he is in ignorance
٣. ولي في الهوى عِلْمٌ تَجِلّ صفاتُهُ
ومن لم يُفَقّهه الهوى فهْو في جهل
4. And whoever was not lost in the dignity of love
With the love of whom he loves, give him tidings of humiliation
٤. ومن لم يكنْ في عِزّةِ الحبِّ تائهاً
بِحُبّ الذي يَهوى فَبَشّرْهُ بالذّل
5. When people were generous with money, you saw them
Being generous with their souls, without any stinginess
٥. إذا جادَ أقوامٌ بمالٍ رأيْتَهُمْ
يَجودونَ بالأرواحِ مِنْهُمْ بِلا بُخل
6. And if they were entrusted with a secret, you saw their chests
As graves for secrets, protected from transfer
٦. وإن أودِعوا سِراً رأيتَ صُدورهم
قُبوراً لأسرارٍ تُنَزّهُ عن نَقلِ
7. And if they were threatened with separation, they died fearing
And if they were promised murder, they leaned towards murder
٧. وإن هُدّدوا بالهَجْرِ ماتوا مَخافَةً
وإن أوعِدوا بالقَتْلِ حنّوا إلى القتل
8. By my life, they are the true lovers in my view
Serious in earnest and lasting among them in jest
٨. لَعَمري هُمُ العُشّاقُ عندي حقيقةً
على الجِدّ والباقون منهم على الهَزْل