
I parted from home and ceased to care where I pitched my tent

وفارقت حتى ما أبالي من النوى

1. I parted from home and ceased to care where I pitched my tent
And though generous neighbors settled near me here and there

١. وَفَارَقْتُ حَتَّى مَا أُبالي مِنَ النَّوَى
وإنْ بَانَ جِيرانٌ عَلَيَّ كِرامُ

2. I made my soul wrap solitude around itself for garment
And over the loss of friends let my eyes feel sleep's sweet touch

٢. فَقَدْ جَعَلتْ نَفْسِيَ عَلَى النَّأْيِ تَنْطَوِي
وَعَيْني عَلَى فَقْدِ الصَّدِيقِ تَنَامُ