
Oh how blessed is the house you emigrate to

ألا حبذا البيت الذي أنت هاجره

1. Oh how blessed is the house you emigrate to
While you glance at it with your eyes

١. ألاَ حَبَّذَا البَيْتُ الذي أنْتَ هَاجِرُهْ
وَأنْتَ بِتَلْماحٍ منَ الطَّرْفِ نَاظِرُهُ

2. For it is a house my eyes find pleasing
And the resident of the house is more beautiful in my eyes

٢. لأنَّكَ مِنْ بَيْتٍ لِعَيْنيَّ مُعْجِبٍ
وأَمْلحُ في عَيْني منَ البَيْتِ عَامِرُهْ

3. I am too shy for passion to find its way to me
Though you are my wish if not for a foe I fear

٣. أَصُدُّ حَياءً أنء يَلَجَّ بيَ الهَوَى
وفِيكَ المُنَى لَوْلاَ عَدوٌّ أُحَاذِرُهْ

4. In you is the beloved of my soul if I could attain you
Passion and longing would die when we are neighbors

٤. وَفِيكَ حَبيبُ النَّفْسِ لَوْ تَسْتَطيعُهُ
لَمَاتَ الهَوى وَالشَّوْقُ حِينَ تُجاوِرُهْ

5. Yet the beloved of my soul was unfaithful to my heart
How could my heart love one who betrays it?

٥. وَكانَ حَبيبُ النَّفْسِ للقَلْبِ وَاتراً
وكيْف يُحِبُّ القَلْبُ مَنْ هُوَ وَاتِرُهْ

6. If enemies discredit his words about us
Their looks will not discredit us

٦. فإنْ يكُنِ الأَعْداءُ أَحْمَوْا كَلامَهُ
عَلَيْنَا فَلَنْ تَحْمَى عَلَيْنَا مَنَاظِرُهْ

7. It is as if Suleima arose and peered out
Adorned with supple, streaming braids

٧. كأنَّ سُلَيْمَى حِينَ قَامَتْ فأَشْرَفَتْ
بِوجْمةٍ أَسِيلٍ زَيَّنَتْهُ غدَائِرُهْ

8. A gazelle save for hips, branches, and bend
But Suleima has his eyes and eyebrows

٨. غَزَالٌ سِوى الأرْدافِ والفَرْعِ والشَّوَى
وَلكِنْ لِسلْمَى طَرْفهُ وَمَحاجِرُهْ

9. And a mouth, if kissed, sweetens
And turns delicate its edges

٩. وثَغْرٍ إذا المِسْوَاكُ مَسَّ غُرُوبَهُ
تَعَسَّلَ واحْلَوْلَى فَطَابَتْ مَكَاسِرُهْ

10. I love you, O Suleima, without doubt
And there is no harm in a love whose mysteries are chaste

١٠. أُحِبُّكِ يَا سَلمَى عَلَى غَيْرِ رِيبَةٍ
ولا بَأسَ في حُبٍّ تَعِفُّ سَرائِرُهْ

11. And oh you who blame me, were it not for her refined love
You would not have busied yourself that you censure me

١١. وَيَا عَاذِلي لَوْلاَ نَفَاسَةُ حُبِّها
عَلَيْكَ لَمَا بَالَيْتَ أنَّكَ خَابِرُهْ

12. By my soul, she I cannot but emigrate to
And she I remember in ease and hardship

١٢. بِنَفْسيَ مَنْ لاَبُدَّ أَنِّيَ هَاجِرُهْ
وَمَنْ أَنَا في المَيْسُورِ والعُسْرِ ذَاكِرُهْ

13. And she the people have wronged until they fear her
With my hatred but what her conscience conceals

١٣. وَمَنْ قَدْ لَحاهُ النَّاسُ حَتَّى اتَّقَاهُمُ
ببْغِضيَ إِلاَّ ما تُجِنُّ ضَمائِرُهْ

14. And she who scarcely bid farewell when we parted
While my tears flowed freely

١٤. وَمَنْ ضَنَّ بالتَسْلِيمِ يَوْمَ فِرَاقه
عَلَيَّ ودَمْعُ العَيْنِ تَجْري بَوادِرُهْ

15. And she who parted from me one day and knew not
Whether I was the wounded or the wounder

١٥. وَمَنْ بَانَ مِنَّا يَوْمَ بَانَ وَمَا دَرَى
أَكُنْتُ أَنَا المَوْتُورَ أَمْ أَنَا وَاتِرُهْ

16. While her paternal and maternal cousins and uncle draw near her
And the vow of an enemy does not conceal its traces

١٦. وَحَالَ بَنُو العمَّاتِ والعَمُّ دُونَهُ
وَنَذْرُ عَدُوٍّ مَا تُغِبُّ نَذَائِرُهْ

17. Do I forsake a house in the Hijaz encircled
By enemies or will you visit it?

١٧. أَتَهجُرُ بَيْتاً بالحجازِ تَكَنَّفَتْ
جَوَانِبَهُ الأعْداءُ أَمْ أَنْتَ زَائِرهْ

18. If I go and do not escape safely it will be by suspicion
And if another goes its shame will cling to me

١٨. فإنْ آتِهِ لَم أَنْجُ إِلاّ بِظنَّةٍ
وَإِنْ يَأتِهِ غَيْري تُنَطْ بي جَرَائِرُهْ

19. Your words, O Suleima, though few, benefit me
And do not assume if they are few I disdain them

١٩. كَلاَمُكِ يَا سَلْمَى وإنْ قَلَّ نَافِعي
ولا تَحْسَبي أنِّي وَإنْ قَلَّ حَاقرُه

20. I love you with a love I will not rebuke afterward
As a lover, but if miserable I will censure it

٢٠. أُحِبُّكِ حُبَّاً لَنْ أُعنِّفَ بَعْدَهُ
مُحِبَّاً وَلكِنِّي إذا لِيمَ عَاذِرُهْ

21. The first of loves died before me and so ended
Had I died, love would have died with its last

٢١. وَقَدْ مَاتَ قَبْلِي أوَّلُ الحُبِّ فَانْقَضَى
وَلَو مِتُّ أضْحَى الحبُّ قَدْ مَاتَ آخِرُهْ

22. So when love flowed into my heart to its limits
It settled and its channels closed to it

٢٢. فَلَمَّا تَنَاهَى الحُبُّ في القَلْبِ وَارِداً
أَقامَ وَسُدَّتْ فيهِ عَنْهُ مَصَادِرُهْ

23. My heart had been veiled from you though you dwell in it
Loving you beyond the veil directly

٢٣. وَقَدْ كانَ قَلبي في حِجَابٍ يُكِنُّهُ
بِحُبِّكَ مِنْ دُونِ الحِجابِ مُبَاشِرُهْ

24. What physician can cure the disease after
The heart's interior and exterior have soaked it in?

٢٤. وأَيُّ طَبِيبٍ يُبْرِىءُ الدَّاءَ بَعْدَمَا
تَشَرَّبَهُ بَطْنُ الفُؤادِ وَظَاهِرُهْ

25. Oh, I care not which lively tribe takes
The plateau if, when lightning flickers, its witness does not remain

٢٥. ألاَ لاَ أُبالي أَيَّ حيٍّ تَحَمَّلوا
إذَا ثَمَدُ البَرْقَاءِ لَمْ يَجْلُ حَاضِرُهْ

26. At the plateau are ruins as if their features
Are scrolls on which its lines are inscribed

٢٦. وبالبَرْقِ أَطْلاَلٌ كأنَّ رُسُومَها
قَراطِيسُ خَطّ الحِبْرَ فيهن سَاطِرُهْ

27. The meadows of Athmad refused but sweet blooms
And fragrance when their growth sways

٢٧. أَبَتْ سَرْحَةُ الأَثْمادِ إِلاَّ مَلاَحةً
وطِيباً إذا ما نَبْتُها اهْتَزَّ ناضِرُهْ

28. When entrusted with a secret I would fold it away
With a care that if the secret were lost its spreader lacks

٢٨. وكُنْتُ إذا اسْتُودِعْتُ سِرّاً طَوَيْتُهُ
بِحْفِظٍ إذا مَا ضَيَّعَ السِّرَّ نَاشِرُهْ

29. And I take care, when absent, of my companion
Out of propriety as I would if he were present

٢٩. وإنِّي لأَرْعَى بالمَغِيبةِ صَاحبي
حَياءً كما أَرْعاهُ حِينَ أُحَاضِرُهْ