
Let it please you that I did not obey a slanderer,

ليهنك أني لم أطع بك واشيا

1. Let it please you that I did not obey a slanderer,
An enemy, nor in the mornings was I an ignoble hanger-on.

١. لِيَهْنِكَ أنِّي لَم أُطِعْ بِكَ وَاشِياً
عَدُوّاً وَلَمْ أُصْبِحْ لِقُرْبِكَ قَالِيا

2. And that I was not miserly with you nor did I find
To subdue you anything but that which I do not care for.

٢. وَأنِّي لَمْ أَبْخَلْ عَلَيْكَ وَلَمْ أَجُدْ
لِقَهْرِكَ إلاَّ بالذي لا أُبَالِيا

3. And when we descended to the shade of the garden and the dew,
Graceful and an orchard of light encompassing,

٣. وَلَمَّا نَزَلْنَا ظِلَّةَ الرَّوْضِ والنَّدَى
أَنِيقاً وبُسْتاناً مِنَ النَّوْرِ حَالِيَا

4. The goodness of the place and its beauty readied for us
A wish we had wished for, so wishes became realities.

٤. أَجَدَّ لَنَا طِيبُ المكانِ وحُسْنُهُ
مُنىً تَمَنَّيْنَا فَكُنَّ أَمَانِيَا