
Though my coins were no coins with you

إذ لم يكن درهمي درهمي

1. Though my coins were no coins with you
They would still be valid with a stranger

١. إذ لم يكن درهمي دِرْهميـ
ـن عندك لم يزكُ عند الغريبِ

2. So give me more than I deserve
As much as a writer merits

٢. فَزِدنيَ فوق الذي استحقـ
ـقُ ما تستحقُّ بحقِّ الأديبِـ

3. And a cautious man merits, and a sensible man
And an accountable man merits, and a noble man

٣. ـوحقِّ الأريب وحقِّ اللبيبـ
ـوحق الحسيب وحق النجيبِـ

4. Otherwise there is no difference in your eyes
Between one who is hateful and one who is beloved

٤. ـوإلا فلا فرقَ فيما لديْـ
ـكَ بين البغِيض وبين الحبيبِ