
O Abu Qasim, you have severed what was connected with you painfully

يا أبا قاسم قطعت من العادات

1. O Abu Qasim, you have severed what was connected with you painfully
And what is lost from it is enough for us instead of what has passed

١. يا أبا قاسمٍ قطعْتَ من العا
داتِ ما كان وصلُه بك أنكى

2. The favor of one who made people laugh and cry
And we left you, and you chose and we do not see any alternative to your connection

٢. وكفانا مكان ما فات منه
فضلُ من أضحك الأنامَ وأبكى

3. And we will increase in preservation and love
If you increase in decisive separation

٣. وتركناك والذي قد تخير
تَ ولسنا نرى لوصلك تركا

4. Indeed, the best of fruits is that which eating reminds one of it over and over

٤. وسنزدادُ في الحِفاظِ وفي الودْ
دِ إذا ازددتَ في القطيعةِ مَحْكا

٥. إن خيرَ الثمار ما ردّه الأكْ
لُ مردّاً أُنيطَ ذكراه عنكا