1. A gift to those of blissful pleasure,
Or an approach to those of righteous guidance?
١. أتصَابٍ إلى ذوي إسعادِهْ
أم تَناهٍ إلى ذوي إرْشادِهْ
2. Nay, an approach - and what youth remains after the word
That came from Umm 'Amrah and her happiness?
٢. بل تَنَاهٍ وهل صِبىً بعد قَوْل
جاء عن أمِّ عَمْرةٍ وسُعادِهْ
3. The two singers said, when old age lit
Its fires in his temples and barged into kindling them:
٣. قالت الغادتان إذ أوقدَ الشّي
بُ سناه فلَجَّ في إيقادِهْ
4. "The gazelle has fled from you, O wearer of grey hair,
With the gazelle's flight from its hunter."
٤. فَرّ منك الغزالُ يا لابس الشَّي
بِ فِرار الغزال من صَيَّادِهْ
5. And when old age hunts you down, pursue
A gazelle! You weren't made to be the hunter.
٥. وإذا اصْطادك المشيبُ فطاردْ
تَ غزالاً فلستَ بالمُصطادِهْ
6. You're not, to the hunters, one who takes the prey;
You are, to the hunters, one of the hunted.
٦. لستَ عند الطِّراد من قانصيه
أنت عند الطراد من طُرّادِهْ
7. So take comfort: the sixty-year-old escapes
Hunting the gazelle when it comes time to hunt it.
٧. فعزاءً إنَّ ابن ستين يَعْيَى
عن طِراد الغزال عنْد طِرادِهْ
8. It would be shameful for an old man, even if
He could forcibly control the antelope and tug it by its lead rope.
٨. ومن النُّكر لَهْوُ شيْخٍ ولو أمْ
كنَه الظَّبي عَنوَةً من قيادِهْ
9. How can green growth shake with joy
When grey hairs have proclaimed the time for harvest?
٩. كيف يَهْتَزُّ للملاهي نباتٌ
أصبح الشيبُ مؤذناً بحصادِهْ
10. Time entertained my youth
With the sweetest of pleasures and bitters of sorrows,
١٠. ولقد أمتعَ الزمانُ شبابي
مُتعةً من سِباطِهِ وجعادِهْ
11. As an excuse for survival - while it remains
A hostage to the whitening of temples after their blackening.
١١. سَوْأَةً للبقاء وهْو رهين
بابْيضاض القِناع بعد اسْودادِهْ
12. To one who lives, an end must come, so let him anticipate
His death sentence and prepare for its implementation,
١٢. ولمنْ عاش غايةٌ فليُبادِرْ
سَيرَ إعدامِه إلى إيجادِهْ
13. As an excuse for life, while death is inevitable,
And for spending time, in hopes of getting it back.
١٣. سَؤْأَةً للحياة والموتُ حَتْمٌ
ولبذْلِ الزمان واستردادِهْ
14. Morning's freshness is there to be innovated,
Can one be happy with life if morning hasn't smiled on him?
١٤. إنَّ للعيش بُكْرَةً فابتَكرْها
هل سعيدٌ بالعيش من لم يُغادِهْ
15. Let the antelope enjoy the ripe fruit of your branch
To delight you, before it withers,
١٥. مَتِّع الظبْي من جنى غُصنك اللد
نِ يُمَتِّعْكَ منه قبل انخِضادِهْ
16. With its clusters of grapes, apples, sweet pomegranates
And the blessing of its guardian.
١٦. من عناقيده وتفاحه الغَض
ضِ ورُمّانه ومن فرِْصادِهْ
17. Not in every dynasty will you have prestige
With a censured superior of meaner character.
١٧. ليس في كلِّ دولة لك جاهٌ
عند رِئْمٍ مُهَفْهَف الخلْق غادِهْ
18. Grey hairs laughed out at me, so I dyed them;
Their whiteness then faded, mixed with my dye.
١٨. طلع الشيْبُ ضاحكاً فخضبْنا
هُ فزال ابْيضاضُه بارْمدادِهْ
19. So make peace with grey hairs - it's greatly ignoble
To sell your blossoming for a trade in white mushrooms.
١٩. فارْضَ بالشيب إن من أعظم الخس
ران بَيْعَ انبلاجه بارْبدادِهْ
20. O grey-haired one darkly masquerading!
When destitute, yet pretending to riches.
٢٠. أيها الأشْيَبُ المسوِّد لَمَّا
آلَ إنفاقُه إلى إكسادِهْ
21. Don't be fooled by the color of your danger -
It is more perilous to the antelope than its slaughter.
٢١. لا تُخادعْ بلون خِطْرِك ظَبْياً
فهو أقْذى للظبي من تَسْهادِهْ
22. The extent of one who follows youth with dye
Is that he will neglect duty when the time for condolences comes.
٢٢. حَدُّ من أتبعَ الشبابَ خِضاباً
أنه ثاكلٌ غدا في حدادِهْ
23. My regret is for the finery of my attire,
My craving is for the youthfulness of my prime.
٢٣. حسرتي للطرَاء في حُلَّتيهِ
لهفتي للشباب في قُوَّادِهْ
24. You won't see the eulogizer of youth extending
A hand to poverty - and you can get whatever you wish from his patrons!
٢٤. لا تَرى مُنْشِدَ الشبابِ يَدَ الدَهْ
رِ وتلقى منْ شئتَ من نُشَّادِهْ
25. I saw time walking slowly,
While the imminent overtaking was during its siesta.
٢٥. ورأيتُ الزمانَ يَمْشي رويداً
واللَّحَاقُ الوشِيكُ في أرْوَادِهْ
26. Don't complain, my brother, of what has boiled
My innermost being with complaints to its physician.
٢٦. لا اشْتَكى يا أخي فؤادُك ما أض
حَى فُؤادِي يشكو إلى عُوّادِهْ
27. Hard-hearted friends - nay, hard-hearted comrades
Who aided time in lying in ambush for me.
٢٧. قسوةً من خلائلٍ بل أخِلّا
ءَ أعانوا الزمان في إرْصادِهْ
28. They denied me my rights as time has denied me;
They prepared against me as it made preparations.
٢٨. بَخَسوني كبخس دهْري حُقوقي
واسْتعدُّوا عليّ كاستعدادِهْ
29. I seek compensation from the teats of my early companionship -
My friend - and his mention of me and his visitation.
٢٩. أتقاضى مَراضعي من صَبابا
تِ صديقي وذكْرِهِ وافتقادِهْ
30. Not a drink! Not an audition! And if his provision is scarce
When he stops by, even his frugal meal is too heavy a burden.
٣٠. لا شَراباً ولا سَماعاً وأمَّا
زادُهُ إن جفا فأهْوِنْ بزادِهْ
31. Oh how Wayh's affection has settled
In the most special place of the days, fixed, nay embodied in their essence!
٣١. آلَ وهْبٍ قد استقرَّ هواكُم
في حَشا الدهر ثابتاً بل فؤادِهْ
32. So feel safe from the days' caprice, for indeed
The days have fallen truly in love with your radiance amidst their darkness.
٣٢. فَأْمنوا دهرَكُمْ فقد عَشقَ الدهْ
رُ بحقٍّ بياضكُمْ في سوادِهْ
33. Why does the days' deceiver slight you
When you are its pillar, you who uphold its pillars?
٣٣. ولماذا يَغُولكُمْ غائل الدهْ
رِ وأنتُمْ عمادهُ من عمادِهْ
34. You who are not of its riffraff and dregs -
So I never ceased to be steeds of its purebred steeds.
٣٤. من يَكُنْ من زُيوفه ونفايا
ه فما زلتُمُ جِيادَ جِيادِهْ
35. Excess was added, due to you, to our already plentiful share,
So the spendthrift began spending extravagantly after his thrift.
٣٥. زِيدَ في فيْئنا بكُمْ فامْتَطى المُنْ
فق مِنا الإِسرافَ بعد اقتصادِهْ
36. You were not like a group who stripped away the riches
And what is a bee's wealth compared to that of locusts?
٣٦. لم تكونوا كمعْشَرٍ جرَّدوا الفيْ
ءَ وهَلْ نحْلُه كمثْل جَرادِهْ
37. The far-fetched dream of the ambitious
Is nearer to attainment than what the frequenter attains daily.
٣٧. وبعيدِ المنال من مُتعاطي
ه قَريبِ النَّوال من مُرْتادِهْ
38. The loner who comforts himself with solitude - how strange!
Individuality is more endearing to him than crowds.
٣٨. وغَريبٍ مستْبشِر النفس بالغرْ
بَة فَرْدٍ مستأنس بانفرادِهْ
39. In hearts he occupies what we do not see
Occupied in the hearts of loved ones or livers.
٣٩. فله في القلوب ما لا نراه
في قلوب الهوى ولا أكبادِهْ
40. Sublime in nobility, refined in gentleness, he has become
The beloved of passions and minds, complying with his lead.
٤٠. جَلَّ نُبْلاً ودقَّ لطفاً وأضحى
والهوى والعقولُ طوعَ اقتيادِهْ
41. He cannot be labelled in a poet's versifying,
But rather in the most distinguished stock of forefathers.
٤١. لا يُسمَّى في هزْل شعري ولكن
في أجَلِّ الجليل من أجدادِهْ
42. Nay I name him, nay I give him a agnomen, nay I classify him
In ancestry, traced back to the heights of his towering heights.
٤٢. بل أسمِّيه بل أكنِّيه بل أن
مِيه نَسْباً إلى ذرا أطوادِهْ
43. The mountain of wisdom, the branches of knowledge -
Its foundations cannot be shaken nor undermined.
٤٣. جَبَلِ الحلْم لُجَّة العِلْم لا يُطْ
مَعُ في نسْفِهِ ولا استنفادِهْ
44. Thrones derive from him their stability,
And oceans acknowledge that from which they extend.
٤٤. تستفيدُ الوقارَ منه الرواسي
وتُقِرُّ البحارُ لاسْتمدادِهْ
45. The most judicious wisdom, compared to him
All kinds of wiles are lesser, however crafty.
٤٥. أحْنَفِ الحلم قيْسه حين يهفو
كلُّ حِلم عَمْرِو الدَّهاء زِيادِهْ
46. God did not hurl such obduracy and resoluteness together,
Through a determination to shape and mold him.
٤٦. لا رمى اللَّه ذلك الطَّوْدَ واليم
مَ بتنضيبه ولا بانهدادِهْ
47. What opponent didn't he reconcile with?
What friend didn't he make amends with?
٤٧. أيُّ ضِدٍّ من أجله لم يخالل
هُ وخلٍّ من أجله لم يعادِهْ
48. You don't see one fearful of exaggerating him
Nor one complacent with delimiting him.
٤٨. لا ترى خائفَ المَغالة منه
لا ولا آمناً من استطرادِهْ
49. When the days don their crafts upon him
And the signs of his peak fitness become apparent during his glory,
٤٩. وإذا ما اَرْتَدى صنائِعَهُ الدَّهْ
رُ ولاحَتْ حُلاه في أجيادِهْ
50. He remains shining elegantly, not priding himself,
Like the spring priding itself during the cold months.
٥٠. ظل يختالُ بهجةً لا افتخاراً
كاختيال الربيع في أَبرادِهْ
51. His faults are merits attributed to him - sins absolved
And freedom bestowed due to his captivity.
٥١. عَيْبُه شيمةٌ له يُعْتقُ الحر
رُ ويقفو إعتاقَه باعْتِبادِهْ
52. One who wrongs himself for his own sake and principles
Is one appending his life to the hereafter.
٥٢. مُسْتَضيمٌ لَذَّاتِه لمعالِي
هِ مُذِيلٌ معاشَه لِمَعَادِهْ
53. Easy and difficult,
As well as sufficient gentleness and commendation.
٥٣. فالهدى من سبيله والحُمَيْدَى
من نواه والبرُّ من أزْوَادِهْ
54. He avoids shame in keeping promises,
Yet seeks to avoid betrayal in making them.
٥٤. ذو انحلال وذو انعقاد إذا شئْ
تَ حَميدَ انحلاله وانعقادِهْ
55. The flavor of coy glance from him to a visitor
Is sweeter to him than slumber.
٥٥. وإذا رَاصَدَ الغُيوبَ بِظَنٍّ
فكأنّ الغُيوب من أرْصادِهْ
56. Preoccupied - nay, frequenting positions of ministry,
Busy - tired of the frequent comings and goings.
٥٦. صَفَدُ المستميح ما في يديه
ويدا من بَغاه في أصفادِهْ
57. The enormity of his superb generosity to us:
That we fall short in enumerating it.
٥٧. فيه سَهْلٌ وفيه حَزْنٌ وفيه
ما كفى من ذُعَافِهِ وشِهادِهَ
58. We would not wish to be without that effort, for we
Are relieved, gentle in what he desires.
٥٨. يتقي الخُلْفَ في العِداتِ ولكن
يتوخَّى الإِخْلاف في إيعادِهْ
59. From the trusted supporters and aides of guidance,
The manifestation of proof and its strong pillars.
٥٩. وَلَطَعْمُ اكْتِحالةٍ مِنْهُ بالزَّا
ئر أحلى في عَيْنه من رُقادِهْ
60. People are tested by merits and grace -
And what test in revealing his essence and purpose?
٦٠. مُعْرقٌ بل مردَّدٌ في الوزارا
تِ مُعَنَّىً قد مَلَّ من تردادِهْ
61. Let the praiser in him say little - for bounties from him
And ordeals are present during his most valuable days.
٦١. ذنبُ إحسانه العظيم لدينا
أننا عاجزون عن تعدادِهْ
62. The throngs of praise do not match our passion for him,
So how can they match the throngs of his praisers?
٦٢. لا عدمنا ذاك العناء فإنَّا
مستريحون رُوَّدٌ في مَرادِهْ
63. How often did we visit, and how often did he reciprocate!
Yet, our frequenting remained distant from its destination.
٦٣. من ثِقاتِ الندى ومن ناصريه
من ظهور الحجا ومن أَعْضادِهْ
64. Revisiting words with favors - for his giving
Is to be revisited, renewed with each bestowal.
٦٤. فُتِن الناسُ بالفضائل والفضْ
ل وما فِتْنةٌ لِكُنْهِ مُرادِهْ
65. Those who praise him fearspendimg,yetwithhim there's assurance
Of ample means before loss or diminution.
٦٥. ليقلْ فيه مادحٌ فالعطايا
والمنايا هناك في أشهادِهْ
66. A peculiar marvel at his munificence
If it occurred without our begging and his extension.
٦٦. ما احتشاد المديح كُفْءُ هُوَيْنا
هُ فأنَّى يكون كُفْء احتشادِهْ
67. He is like time whenever it passes while we pass,
Consuming lifespans through its vitality and support.
٦٧. كم أعدنا وكم أعاد وهيها
ت بعيدٌ مُعَادُنا من مُعادِهْ
68. To all donatees, you are the one donated to
And people are but conduits to enrich you.
٦٨. عائد القول بالخُلُوقة رهْنٌ
ويعود العطاءُ لاستجدادِهْ
69. If there are holidays for time, then your days
Are holidays to time and its celebrations.
٦٩. ويخاف الإِنفاد ممتدحوه
ولديه الأمانُ من إنفادِهْ
70. O Abu'l Qasim! None can compare
To the flowing of his issuing or insertion.
٧٠. وعجيبٌ تعجُّبٌ من نَداه
إن جرى لانقطاعنا وامتدادِهْ
71. Fire feels safe, not mere flames, but the inferno,
Sheltered by the moistness of his rain-water collector.
٧١. وهو كالدهر حين يجري ونجري
فَتَقَضَّى الأعمارُ في أمدادِهْ
72. How many luminosities your hand ignited -
So step forward.
٧٢. كل مستبرعٍ فأنت من الأر
واح فيه والناس من أجسادِهْ
73. How many towering flames you overpowered in their extinguishing.
O highest of whom I've called in this assembly,
٧٣. إن يكن للزمان عيدٌ فأيَّا
مك عند الزمان من أعيادِهْ
74. Those known to me and those unbeknownst.
It isn't right, for one allowed to find means to aid you,
٧٤. يا أبا القاسم الذي لا يجارى
عند إصداره ولا إيرادِهْ
75. That he does not spend effortfully in your cause.
Nor for one blessed by your bliss -
٧٥. تأمن النارُ لا الحريقُ بل الأن
وارُ طرَّاً من واريات زنادِهْ
76. That he does not increase in your prosperity.
Since subsidiary power has been assumed by the victorious,
٧٦. كم ضياءٍ شببتَه فتعالى
وشُواظٍ بالغت في إخمادِهْ
77. You've become second to none in his support.
He has the right for you to enrich - so enrich him,
٧٧. يا أجلَّ الذين ناديتُ في الجم
لة منْ أمره ومَن لم أُنادِهْ
78. And be keen to take initiative in his gain.
Be certain that neither wealth is donated
٧٨. ليس من حقِّ من أتيح لإنجا
دك أن لا تُجِدَّ في إنجادِهْ
79. But men who sacrifice, worthily, for his worthiness.
With you is acumen, embodied,
٧٩. لا ولا حَقِّ من حَباك بإسعا
دك أن لا تزيد في إسعادِهْ
80. Nay with you is the sword in its scabbard!
Your excellent and blessed firstborn -
٨٠. قد تولّى الأمورَ مُعتضدٌ بال
لَه أصبحتَ ثانياً لاعتضادِهْ
81. The best, most correct opinion, leadership and honest descent.
Don't distance him from you as vigor
٨١. وله حقُّه من الرِّفْد فارفدْ
هُ وكن من مُبادري استرفادِهْ
82. Radiates from him - soundness isn't in separation.
Make him a sharp sword you've forged
٨٢. وتيقَّنْ أن ليس يُرْفَدُ مالاً
بل رجالاً يُضْحون آداً لآدِهْ
83. For the eminent, altruistic, and aiding.
To wear it elegantly during peace or bear it,
٨٣. ولديك الدهاءُ في محتواه
بل لديك الصَّفيحُ في أغمادِهْ
84. Courageously wielding it against hardened heads.
So make him your trusted supporter and adviser
٨٤. سِبْطُك الأكبر المبارك رأياً
ورُواءً وحَقِّ طِيب ولادِهْ
85. To fulfill any hopes you've invested in his qualification.
Far more penetrating than the sword is his management -
٨٥. لا تُباعده من أمامك ما اسطَعْ
تَ فليس الصواب في إبعادِهْ
86. And highly effective at the onset and conclusion of affairs.
Highest peak at conducting
٨٦. هَبه سيْفاً أعددْتَه قَلَعِيّاً
للإمام النَّجِيد في إنجادِهْ
87. Without pause at full throttle and acceleration.
An unprecedented aid since Lancelot's prime
٨٧. يرتديه في السِّلْم زَيْناً وطوْراً
يَنْتَضيه في الحرب عند جلادِهْ
88. Or in their era - Shaddad or their equals;
Surpassing Kulayb, Jassas and Harith altogether
٨٨. فاسْتَلِلْهُ على الخطوب تُحَقِّقْ
ما أراك الرجاءُ في إعدادِهْ
89. And the zeal of Muhalhil's partisans.
Towered over Muhalhil's place during expedition
٨٩. وَلَتَدْبِيرُه أحَدُّ من السَّيْ
فِ وأمضى في بدئه وَعِوَادِهْ
90. And over his partisans and addition.
If you carry the strenuous burden of great weight,
٩٠. سَوْرة الصِّلِّ في تعاطيه لا بل
ثورةُ لليث في حَشا أَلْبادِهْ
91. Place its heaviness on his shoulder blades.
He bears its extreme weight, as well as Ash-Sharwara's,
٩١. نجدةٌ لم تكن لَعْنترةَ العب
سِيِّ في عصره ولا شَدَّادِهْ
92. And the heavy burdens of Dhubyan, Yadhbul, and their ilk,
Vanquisher of rivals, apparent is his argument
٩٢. وأبَّرتْ على كُلْيب وجسَّا
سٍ جميعاً وحارثٍ وعُبادِهْ
93. Against questioners of his capabilities.
May one who disputes what matches him be damned -
٩٣. وتعالتْ عن المهلَّبِ قِدْماً
في أَيازيده وعن أزيادِهْ
94. The trade in truth and Lord of reciprocity lies in ambush for him.
So be mindful of God and consequences and precipitancies
٩٤. وإذا ما بَعِلْتَ بالعبء ذي الثِّق
ل فضعْ ثقلَهَ على أكتادِهْ
95. And consolidate his authority through his governorship.
Your hands have rectified for him the kingship -
٩٥. يَحتملْ أوْقَهُ وينهضْ بِرضْوى
وشَرَوْرَى ويَذْبُلٍ ونَضادِهْ
96. Do not ruin it through corruption!
Lest critics say one who depended on you
٩٦. فائزاً قِدْحُه على حاسديه
ظاهراً حقُّه على جُحَّادِهْ
97. Betrayed you when confidence in him had peaked.
An advisor's concealment of advice deliberately
٩٧. عَقَّ من عقَّ مثلَه اللَّهُ والحق
قُ وربُّ الجزاء في مرصادِهْ
98. From an imam who greatly relies on him is betrayal.
Not by drawing nearer to his brother is oppression increased upon him,
٩٨. فاتق اللَّه والعواقب والسُّل
واشدُدْ سلطانه بوِكادِهْ
99. Rather, it adds to his strength and relation.
Grant Qasim's peerless brother a sibling -
٩٩. طالما استَصْلَحَتْ يداك له المُلْ
ك فلا تُقْرفَنَّ باستفسادِهْ
100. Protection of a brother is a brother's sheltering.
The counsel of Abu Al Hussein Al Kawaf is enough -
١٠٠. لا يقولنَّ حاسدٌ خان من كا
تَم سلطَانَه أعَدَّ عَتادِهْ
101. As he is sufficient from his cynosure and guidance.
A reserve of sincerity, stronger in cohesion,
١٠١. غَشَّ من أخَّرَ النصيحة عمْداً
عن إمام عليه جُلُّ اعتمادِهْ
102. Not a flimsy one invited to dependence.
The utmost precision is an increase of merit
١٠٢. ليس يُوْهي أخاهُ شدُّكَ إيَّا
هُ به بل يزيدُه في اشتدادِهْ
103. For pillars of a building or its pegs.
You see goodness in it, not deficient,
١٠٣. أهْدِ للقاسم الوحيد أخاه
إنَّ إيحاشَه أخو إيحادِهْ
104. Except that contentment with increase is unattainable.
You have ruled sufficiently for the imam -
١٠٤. ومعاني أبي الحسين كَوافٍ
وهو واف من ثغره بِسَدادِهْ
105. The protector in hardship, his rescuer from strangleholders;
As upright as a sword's straight blade,
١٠٥. رُكْنُ صدقٍ تُدعَى إلى الشَّد منه
لا ضعيف تُدْعى إلى إسنادِهْ
106. The briskness of its sharpness and fluidity of acceleration.
Why not as a stalwart supporter, pride thereby
١٠٦. وكمالُ الإِتقان فضلُ مَزيد
في عماد البناء أو أوتادِهْ
107. What is ideal aid and habit?
To fully aid the imam, support in its entirety,
١٠٧. وترى الخيْرَ لا نقيصَةَ فيه
غير أن لا مَلال من مُسْتزادِهْ
108. A liberator, his plot against plotters.
No flaws can be imputed to you for acts,
١٠٨. وَلقد جُدْتَ للإمام بكافٍ
أصْمعِ القلب شَهْمِهِ وَقَّادِهْ
109. But neglect in itself is a flaw unprevented.
Blame lies not in relinquishing your son, but rather
١٠٩. قُدَّ كالسيف قَدّه وغِرارَيْ
هِ ورقْراقِ مائه واطِّرادِهْ
110. Recognition of the side of his brother and his cradle.
Rather, his judgement is warranted by justice -
١١٠. أفلا جُدْتَ بالظَّهير فَتُلفَى
مُعْتِداً ما الكمالُ في إعتادِهْ
111. So prepare ease for his brother and increase beyond the cushion.
The critics denied the exclusivity of your twin stars,
١١١. لِتُعِين الإِمامَ عوناً تماماً
مُنْجِداً كيدهَ على كُيَّادِهْ
112. Yet a decided resolution lies in such exclusion.
O people! Inform us, fulfill the right
١١٢. ليس في الفعل عائب لك لكن
لك في التَّرك عائبٌ لم تُصادِهْ
113. Of a martyr giving testimony to his witnesses:
Did an eminent, judicious leader proceed from you,
١١٣. والمُعاب اطِّراحُك ابنك لا مَنْ
حُكَ جَنْبَيْ أخيه لِينَ مِهادِهْ
114. Matching the judicious, eminent one from his sons?
Passion plays no part in their presence, wavering
١١٤. بل محقَّاً بعدل حكمك فامهد
لأخيه وزده فوق وسادِهْ
115. To an abundance of reason in its elevation.
So follow reason - it is the arbiter of God,
١١٥. أنكر المنكرون إفرادَ نجْمَيْ
ك وحزمٌ أصبحتَ من أفرادِهْ
116. Walk not the path of its opposition!
Consider - does passion challenge a horn
١١٦. ما رأى العالِمون بالحظِّ حظاً
لكلا الفرقدين في إفرادِهْ
117. To the steed of reason amid its soldiers?
How, when deceit lurks among its squadrons
١١٧. أيها الناسُ خَبِّرونا وأدُّوا
حقَّ مُستشهدٍ لدى شُهَّادِهْ
118. And opinion, his brother, and victory, among its support?
Do not expose the propriety of your viewpoint
١١٨. هل نبا مِنْكُمُ كبيرٌ سديدٌ
بالكبير السَّديد من أولادِهْ
119. To rebuke from one deficient in propriety.
Plaudit may revert unplausibly
١١٩. ما الهوى في حُدورِهِ يتهاوى
بِكَفِيٍّ للعقل في إصعادِهْ
120. If you divert minds from applauding.
By iron is success attained ironclad -
١٢٠. فاتْبَعِ العقلَ إنه حاكم الل
هِ ولا تمشِ في طريق عنادِهْ
121. So cast at it the iron in its blacksmith.
I have presented it undiluted by aversion's drunkenness
١٢١. ما الهوى في لفيفِهِ إن تأمَّلْ
ت بِقرْنٍ للعقل في أجنادِهْ
122. To be summoned by the divine to reclaim its own.
It is a disavowal - not of the accurst among them -
١٢٢. كيف والمكْرُ من سراياه والرَّأ
يُ أخوه والنصرُ من أمدادِهْ
123. But the select, from the items of his select.
It appeals to people directly while draped
١٢٣. لا تُعَرِّض سدادَ رأيك للطَّع
ن عليه من ناقِصٍ في سدادِهْ
124. In silk, like melody from its lone innovator.
Did an outstanding composer gift it thus,
١٢٤. قد يعودُ الحميدُ غير حميدٍ
إن عَكَسْتَ العقول عن إحمادِهْ
125. Or was it woven from prose by a weaver on his loom?
May God disfigure every sayer of a verse
١٢٥. بالحديد الحدِيدُ يُفلَحُ قِدْماً
فالْقها من حديده بحدادِهْ
126. Whose verse is unseemly despite his versifying.
Hearts spew their water when recited -
١٢٦. هاكها لا يضيرها أنَّ جلفاً
لم يقلها مزمَّلاً في بجادِهْ
127. Before the air runs dry of ink moisture.
Each verse provokes delight
١٢٧. مِنْ مُعادي القريض يُدْعَى عليها
بقتال الإله من مستعادِهْ
128. If it doesn't stir inert natures out of stillness.
Each is genuflection, even if the ignorant
١٢٨. منْ مُفَدَّاه لا الملعَّنِ منه
بل من المسْتجاد من مُستَجادِهْ
129. Rejected courtesy, falling short of kneeling.
It was long-winded, harmonious, eloquent and talented
١٢٩. تُنْشِدُ الناسَ نفسَها وهي في المهْ
رَقِ مثلَ الغِناء من أوحادِهْ
130. In bestowal upon one meriting bestowal.
Except that I matched it with one loftier -
١٣٠. لم يَكِلها إلى النشيد مُجِيدٌ
صاغها من رقاده بل سُهادِهْ
131. Those who speak at length fall short before its breadth.
١٣١. قَبَّح اللَّهُ كلَّ قائلِ شعرٍ
شعرُهُ عيِّلٌ على إنشادِهْ
١٣٢. يُنْشفُ القلبُ ماءه حين تُمْلَى
قبل نشْفِ الهواء ماءَ مدادِهْ
١٣٣. كلُّهَا مُطْرِبٌ وإن لم تحرك
طربَ الميِّتِ الطباع الجمادِهْ
١٣٤. كلها سجدة وإن كفر الجهْ
ل فجلَّ الإحسانُ عن إسجادِهْ
١٣٥. أطنبتْ أطربتْ أفادتْ أجادتْ
في مُجادٍ مستاهِل لمُجَادِهْ
١٣٦. غير أني قرنتها بعلاء
تَنفُد المطنِباتُ قبل نفادِهْ