
The arrows of fate are aimed at you

نبل الردى يقصدن قصدك

1. The arrows of fate are aimed at you,
So sharpen yourself before death sharpens you.

١. نَبلُ الرَّدى يقصِدْن قصدَكْ
فأحِدَّ قبْلَ الموت حدَّكْ

2. Many have been counted before you,
And soon you will be counted too.

٢. قدْ عدَّ قبْلَكَ مَنْ رأيْ
تَ ولسْتَ تلْبثُ أن يَعُدَّكْ

3. Leave laziness and heedlessness aside,
And focus on your rationality.

٣. فدعِ البِطالةَ والغوا
يةَ جانباً وعليْكَ رُشْدَكْ

4. It’s as if I see you have passed,
And the mourners cried for your loss.

٤. فكأنني بك قد نُعي
تَ وقد بكى الباكُون فقْدَك

5. You left your frequented home deserted,
And settled into your grave.

٥. وتركْتَ منزِلَكَ المشي
دَ مُعَطَّلاً وسكَنْتَ لحدَك

6. You resided alone in the house of decay,
With only the Angels to accompany you.

٦. وخلوْتَ في بيتِ البلى
وخَلا بِك المَلكانِ وحْدَك

7. Your family, all of them forgot you,
And disregarded your days among them.

٧. وسلاك أهلُك كلُّهم
ونسوْا على الأيامِ عَهْدَك

8. They enjoy what you gathered,
But do not acknowledge your efforts.

٨. يتمتَّعُونَ بما جمعْ
تَ ولا يَرَوْن عليه حمدَك

9. Laid out in luxury while you
Lie under dirt, as worms feast on your flesh.

٩. مُتمهّدون وأنت تح
ت الرَّمْس يَرْعَى الدُّودُ جِلْدَك

10. They surrendered you to the coffin,
And propped your cheeks with soil.

١٠. قد سلَّموك إلى الضَّري
حِ ووسَّدُوا بالتّرْبِ خَدَّك

11. How many loved ones have you buried?
Who once held a special place in your heart.

١١. كم قدْ دَفَنْتَ أحِبَّةً
حَلُّوا محلَّ النفسِ عندَك

12. Look to their families,
For so shall be those left after you.

١٢. انظُرْ إلى أهليهمُ
فكذلك الباقون بعْدَك

13. So take account of yourself,
And what God loves for you to strive in.

١٣. فانظُر لنفسكَ مُعْمِلاً
فيما يُحبُّ اللَّهُ جُهْدَك