1. With dimpled cheeks and charming features
His beauty went beyond the soul's desires
١. ومهَفهَفٍ تمت محاسِنُهُ
حتى تجاوز منيةَ النفسِ
2. Goblets were poured into his pillows
And clinked within his hand, imprisoned
٢. تصبو الكؤوس إلى مَراشفِه
وتَهشُّ في يده إلى الحبسِ
3. I saw him, the goblet between lips
Of his and fingers five
٣. أبصرتُه والكأسُ بين فمٍ
منه وبين أنامل خمس
4. As though it and its drinker
Were the moon kissing the sun's cheek
٤. فكأنها وكأن شاربَها
قمر يقبّل عارض الشمس