
O you who is not satisfied with praise

أيا من ليس يرضيه مديح

1. O you who is not satisfied with praise
And forgiving insults is too much for him

١. أيا من ليس يُرضيه مديحٌ
وعفوُ الشتم عنه له كثيرُ

2. I find you do not see poetry as worthy
Of your glory, who can compete with you?

٢. أجِدَّك لا ترى في الشعر كُفؤاً
لمجدك أين جار بك المسيرُ

3. As if you have descended from the highest heights
Like the radiant sun and moon

٣. كأنك قد حللت من المعالي
بحيث الشمس والقمر المنيرُ

4. For God is far higher than you
And He is satisfied with little praise

٤. فإن الله أعلى منك جِدّاً
ويرضِيه من الحمد اليسيرُ