
He reproaches me for wearing the turban mockingly

يعيرني لبس العمامة سادرا

1. He reproaches me for wearing the turban mockingly
And claims that wearing it is a hidden flaw

١. يُعيّرني لُبْسَ العمامةِ سادراً
ويزعم لُبسيها لِعيبٍ مُكَتَّمِ

2. So tell him, leave me as I am, bald
Am I not the safeguard of the successors, though the predecessor has perished?

٢. فقولا له هبني كما أنا صلعة
ألستُ حصينَ الخَلفِ عفَّ المقدَّمِ

3. And how do you find fault with baldness while the one with hair is one of them
And you, with love of hair, are a blinded lover

٣. وأَنَّى تعيبُ الصُّلْعَ والأيْرُ منهمُ
وأنت بِحُبّ الأير عينُ المتيَّمِ

4. Beware, you may have kissed a turbaned hair
With your scalp, so respect the rights of the turbaned

٤. ألا ربما قبلتَ أيراً مُعَمّماً
بِجِعْرِك فاحفظ فيَّ حقَّ المعمَّمِ