
O days of you, O sons of wounds

أيامكم يا بني الجراح قد جرحت

1. O days of you, O sons of wounds
You have wounded all hearts, for in them from you is vengeance

١. أيامكمْ يا بني الجراح قد جَرَحَتْ
كُلَّ القلوب ففيها منكُمُ ثارُ

2. There is none among you whose leadership was completed
Except ill-omened, mighty, tyrannical

٢. ما منكُمُ رجلٌ تَمَّتْ رياستُه
إلا مَشُومٌ عظيم الكِبر جَبَّارُ

3. May God not hallow your state through prosperity
For your prosperity for people is decline

٣. لا قَدَّس اللَه بالإقبال دولتَكُم
فإن إقبالكمْ لِلناس إدبارُ