
O Abu al-Saqr do not leave me to travel

أبا الصقر لا تدعني للبراز

1. O Abu al-Saqr do not leave me to travel
To you, prepare like your peers.

١. أبا الصَّقْرِ لا تَدْعُني للبِرا
زِ أو استعدُّ كأقْرانِكا

2. I see my soul's determination sitting still
When I intend to come to you.

٢. أرى النفْسَ يْقُعد بي عَزْمُها
إذا ما هممتُ بإتْيانِكا

3. For what fate has set out from my concerns
And for what God has elevated in your status.

٣. لِما وَضَعَ الدهرُ من هِمَّتِي
وما رفع اللَّهُ منْ شأْنِكا

4. I fear you, fearing one held in great esteem
For your merit not the merit of your power.

٤. أهابُكَ هَيْبةَ مُسْتَعْظِمٍ
لقَدْرِكَ لا قَدْرِ سُلْطانِكا

5. And moreover my condition is not one
In which I see myself worthy of your tent.

٥. وبعدُ فما حالتي حالةٌ
أراني بها أهْلَ غِشيانكا

6. So it is not in my determination to rise up
Towards you unless aided by your supporters.

٦. فلَيس بعزْمِي نهوضٌ إلي
كَ إنْ لم تُعِنْهُ بأعْوانكا

7. And if you wished you would say: stay firm guided
So there would be no fault of mine but rather of being deprived by you.

٧. ولو شِئْتَ قلت أقِمْ راشداً
فلا ذنبَ لي بل لحرْمانِكا

8. But you have refused that highness for yourself
And good extract of your limbs' sap.

٨. ولكن أبتْ لك ذاك العُلا
وطيبُ عُصارة عِيدانِكا

9. Help me by giving me your bounty, be intimate with it
And prepare my tools for meeting you.

٩. أزِرْني نوالكَ آنسْ به
وأعتدْ عتادي للُقْيانكا

10. For I am not the first who visited him
From the furthermost and your neighbors.

١٠. فلستُ بأولِ من زاره
من الأبعدِين وجيرانكا

11. Do you dislike an excellent nature?
We have praised it over some of your brothers.

١١. أترغب عن خُلق فاضلٍ
حَمِدْناه عن بعضِ إخْوَانكا

12. The clouds travel with their heaviness
And they have no expanse of wide plains like yours.

١٢. يسيرُ السحابُ بأثقاله
وليْس له رحبُ أعطانكا

13. So they water where we live on their way
And they have no accumulated honor like your white hairs.

١٣. فيسقي منازلنَا صوبهُ
وليس له مجدُ شيبانِكا

14. And whoever was unable to achieve anything but you
Is more rightful for your possibilities.

١٤. وما كانَ يُمكن شيئاً سوا
ك فهو أحقُّ بإمكانِكا

15. So say to your clouds, travel towards him
Tomorrow, grant it to him with your overflow.

١٥. فقُلْ لسحابِك سرْ نحوه
مُغِدّا فجُدْه بتَهتانِكا

16. For how many beggars have you enriched?
And their homelands other than yours.

١٦. فكم سائلٍ لك أغنيتَه
وأوطانه غير أوطانكا

17. And how many weak in body have you helped stand
Up right by the strength of your pillars?

١٧. وكم واهن الركن أنهضتَه
إليك بقوة أركانكا

18. And the likes of me was afflicted
But it was removed by your benevolence.

١٨. وقد كان مثليَ ذا عِلَّةٍ
ولكنْ أُزيحَتْ بإحسانِكا

19. And it is the way of your glory to be sought
Drinking from the vessels of your generosity.

١٩. وسُنَّةُ مجدِك أن تُستقى
سجالُ نداكَ بأشْطانِكا

20. With your help, he who hopes in you stands up
For with you lies abundance and with your carriers.

٢٠. برفْدِك ينهَضُ من يرتجِي
لديْكَ الغِنَى وبِحُملانِكا

21. For that the people commend you
With the most fragrant scent of your plains.

٢١. لذلكَ يُثْني عليك الورى
بأطيبَ من ريح أرْدانكا