
Secret sorrow has protected it, so it tossed about

حماه الكرى هم سرى فتأوبا

1. Secret sorrow has protected it, so it tossed about,
And stayed up watching stars till they were properly aligned.

١. حماهُ الكَرى همٌّ سرى فتأوَّبا
فبات يُراعي النجم حتى تَصوَّبا

2. My eyes, be generous, for I was generous to the earth
With more than you both prevent, and finer.

٢. أعينيَّ جودا لي فقد جُدْتُ للثرى
بأكثرَ مما تَمنعانِ وأطيبا

3. O my son whom I gifted to earth yesterday,
By God, how firm are my eyelids and unyielding!

٣. بُنِيَّ الذي أهديتُهُ أمسِ للثرى
فلِلّهِ ما أقوى قَناتي وأصلَبا

4. And if you both prevent my tears I will return to grief
That, when tears slack off, will flare up even more.

٤. فإن تمنعاني الدمعَ أرجعْ إلى أسىً
إذا فَتَرتْ عنه الدموعُ تلهَّبا