
We excused the palm tree for showing thorns

عذرنا النخل في إبداء شوك

1. We excused the palm tree for showing thorns
With which fingers ward off harm from its fruit.

١. عَذَرْنَا النَّخل في إبداء شوكٍ
يذودُ به الأناملَ عن جناهُ

2. But why did the accursed wild gourd show
Thorns without any fruit that we see?

٢. فما للعَوْسج الملعون أبدى
لنا شوكاً بلا ثمرٍ نراهُ

3. You would think it had a generous crop
So it displayed gear to defend its bounty.

٣. تُراه ظنَّ فيه جَنىً كريماً
فأظهر عُدَّةً تحمي حماهُ

4. But let it not arm itself to ward off a hand,
Its own ugliness is defense enough.

٤. فلا يتسلَّحنَّ لدفع كفٍّ
كَفاه لُؤْمُ مَجناه كفاهُ