
Do not blame those who weep for their youth

لا تلح من يبكي شبيبته

1. Do not blame those who weep for their youth,
Unless they did not water it with blood.

١. لا تَلْحَ مَنْ يبكي شبيبته
إلا إذا لم يَبْكِها بِدَمِ

2. The fault of youth is the excess of its intoxication,
As much as the blessings in it.

٢. عيْبُ الشبيبة غَولُ سَكْرتِها
مقدارَ ما فيها من النِّعَمِ

3. We do not see it as it should be seen,
Except in old age and senility.

٣. لسنا نراها حقَّ رُؤيتها
إلّا زمانَ الشيبِ والهرمِ

4. Like the sun, its virtues do not appear,
Until the land is shrouded in darkness.

٤. كالشمسِ لا تبدو فَضِيلتُها
حتى تَغَشَّى الأرضُ بالظُّلَمِ

5. And there is many a thing not made clear
By intuition, except with destruction.

٥. ولرُبَّ شيءٍ لا يُبَيِّنُهُ
وجدانُهُ إلّا معَ العدمِ