
With a gazelle I see upon his cheeks

وغزال ترى على وجنتيه

1. With a gazelle I see upon his cheeks
The drops of his arrows from the blood of hearts

١. وغزالٍ ترى على وَجْنتيهِ
قَطْرَ سَهْمَيْهِ من دماء القلوبِ

2. My soul yearns for those of tender cheeks
Whose roses are brightly blushing buds

٢. لهفَ نفسي لتلك من وَجَنَاتٍ
وردُها وردُ شارقٍ مَهْضوبِ

3. They were dyed with the soul’s own hue and then heightened
With the blood of the slain without any guilt

٣. أنهلَتْ صِبْغَ نفسها ثم عُلَّتْ
من دماءِ القتلى بغير ذنوبِ

4. Rather what came to them of commands
Was with a bowstring for which they were sought

٤. بل أتى ما أتى إليهمْ من الأمـ
ـر بوِترٍ لديهمُ مطلوبِ

5. The eyes wounded him so he took revenge on them
With an ardour in the hearts of persistent sorrows

٥. جرحتْهُ العيونُ فاقتصَّ منها
بجوىً في القلوب دامي النُّدوب

6. None has equalled him in the perfection of meanings
The twin of beauty among the sons of Jacob

٦. لم يُعادِلْهُ في كمالِ المعاني
توأمُ الحُسنِ من بني يعقوبِ