
He insulted me, and I did not insult him

هجاني حفيص ولم أهجه

1. He insulted me, and I did not insult him,
Yet he is an ignorant, boorish man.

١. هجاني حُفَيصٌ ولم أهجه
ولكنه رجلٌ عَرْبدا

2. Tomorrow he will be an unjust ingrate
When he should not deny my right.

٢. غدا ظالماً جاحداً نعمتي
وما كان حقِّيَ أن أُجحدا

3. Were not my hands combing his hair?
And feeding his wife fertile dates?

٣. ألم تكُ كَفِّيَ مُشْطاً له
وأيري لزوجته مِرْودا

4. I scrape his splint to kindle it,
And line his neighbor's infected eyes with kohl.

٤. أحُكُّ بفيْشته كَيْنَها
وأكْحُلُ جارَ استها الأرمدا

5. In his presence I boast of what I claim,
Not bearing false witness.

٥. بحضرته كان ما أدَّعي
وما كنت بالزور مستشهدا

6. When my hands grow tired of restraining him,
I take a seat at his wedding feast.

٦. إذا ما يدي سئمت قفده
تبوَّأْتُ من عرسه مقعدا

7. Why then am I shunned, why insulted,
As if I were the most hostile enemy?

٧. فما لي جُفيت وما لي هُجي
تُ حتى كأنِّيَ أعدى العدا

8. He neglected my brotherhood and had no mercy,
And a horde of enviers triumphed over me.

٨. أضاع إخائي ولم يرْعني
وأشمتَ بي معشراً حُسَّدا

9. Does he not remember that I
Chose his baldness as my fillet?

٩. أما يتذكَّر لي أنني
تخيرت صلعته مقْفَدا

10. That I used to pride myself on it
More than one who obtained the Black Stone?

١٠. وأنّيَ كنت أباهي بها
من استلم الحجر الأسودا