
The freeman knows no bond if he

ما على الأحرار من رق إذا

1. The freeman knows no bond if he
Has paid his thanks to Him whose hands have blessed.

١. ما على الأحرار من رِقٍّ إذا
نَقَدوا شكرهم مَوْلى أيادِي

2. True bondage is but sinfulness; the good
Are free although in chains; the thankless still

٢. إنَّما الرقُّ سِخابٌ لامرىء
لبس النعماء والكفرانُ بادي

3. Are slaves, though throned. And thus the hands that give
Bind some recipients till they own their debt

٣. وكذا رقٌّ الأيادي لازم
جِيدَ من أنكره حتى التنادي

4. And pay it, and so free themselves; while some
Deny it, but confess it 'gainst their will

٤. والمقرُّونَ به قد خلعوا
طوْقَه عنهم بحكم غيْرِ عادي

5. By wearing still the shackles self-imposed.
Blessings are but fetters, which when one meets

٥. إنما النُّعْمَى صِفادٌ فإذا
لَقِيت شكراً فليست بصِفادِ

6. With gratitude, as his deliverance,
Cease to be bindings. One there is who paid

٦. ولقد كافأ بالنعمى امْرُؤٌ
كافأ النعمى بإخلاص الودادِ

7. For every gift of God with equal grace,
For gratitude is but love's second self.

٧. إن يكن نُوِّلَ نيْلاً من يد
فلقد نَوَّلَ نيْلاً من فؤادِ

8. If once he seemed to turn away his eyes
From largesse, he but turned them back within

٨. فاغدُ في أمنٍ من الرقِّ ومن
سطوة الدهر وذل الإضطهادِ

9. His heart to find the place of gratitude.
Go thou secure from bondage and live safe

٩. قد أوى جار الذي جاورته
خير مأْوى ورعى في خير وادِ

10. From Time's caprice and all the ills that wait
On fortune's fickleness and chance's change.

١٠. العلاءُ المبتَني شُمَّ العُلا
مُنْجِد المنجود طَلّاع النِّجادِ

11. Thy neighbor who so long has been thy friend
Is still the best of neighbors; his abode

١١. يَمَّمَتْ همتُه قصوى المَدى
فجرى جَرْيَ جواد لجوادِ

12. Has been the very fount and spring of good.
Exalted, proud nobility is his;

١٢. تَجدُ المُتلَفَ من أمواله
واقعاً منه وقوع المستفادِ

13. The helper of all helpers is his arm;
The first of all the first to speed his steed.

١٣. فهو لا يفترُ من سَحِّ الندى
ببنانٍ سَبِطاتٍ لا جِعادِ

14. His spirit's aim transcends the farthest bound;
He rides alone as rides the uncompanied.

١٤. غيرُ لاهٍ باللُّهى بل عالماً
أنّ بذل العُرف من خير عتادِ

15. That part of wealth that circulates is his,
For he lets flow his bounty's living source

١٥. مستزيداً في مَعَالٍ جمَّة
ليس فيها لامرئٍ من مستزادِ

16. As freely as the spring-rains down the hills.
Not idly lost in sport and wantonness,

١٦. لا ترى استطراف علْقٍ طارفٍ
شيمةً منه ولا إلْفَ تلادِ

17. But working good and teaching men thereof.
Still adding to his immenseincrease

١٧. كُلُّ ذخْرٍ لمَعاشٍ عنده
مُقْتَنىً من فضل زادٍ لمعادِ

18. That brooks from none aught taken or withheld.
No charming harmony allures his soul,

١٨. بذل الدنيا بكفٍّ سمحةٍ
مثلُها ضُمِّن أرزاق العبادِ

19. Nor aught that might from single-mindedness beguile.
He stores all fruits of enterprise and toil

١٩. وتولّاها بعقلٍ راجحٍ
مثله قُلِّد إصلاحَ البلادِ

20. To help him on his way to Paradise.
He scatters blessings with a generous hand

٢٠. سالكاً في كل فَجٍّ وْحدَه
حين لا يُوحشه طولُ انفرادِ

21. As freely as all types of mortals share God's air.
He rules his mind with sense and wisdom sound

٢١. غانياً عن كل إرشادٍ بما
فيه من فضل رشاد وسدادِ

22. As others by good government their realms, -
In solitude, when no companions near,

٢٢. وكذاك البدر يسري في الدجى
وله من نفسه نورٌ وهادي

23. Loneliness weighs not on his spirit proud,
Since, self-sufficing, he can pleasure find

٢٣. لم يُكانفْهُ على الأمر امرؤ
إنه أوْحَدُ من قوْمٍ وحادِ

24. In his own virtue's sweetness, and can make
The law of righteousness his rule and guide.

٢٤. حسْبه من كلِّ رأي رأيه
مُستشاراً في الملمَّات الشِّدادِ

25. e wanders on through the deep dark unseen,
Yet by his inner light leads others right,

٢٥. أصبح الناس سواداً حالكاً
وهُوَ الغُرَّةُ في ذاك السوادِ

26. Needing no touchstone that should certified
His sterling worth. He is a stand-apart

٢٦. فليعش ما بقيت آثاره
وهي أبقى من شروى ونضاد