
O moon above his head a crown

يا قمرا فوق رأسه تاج

1. O moon above his head a crown
Ashamed of the beauty of his ivory color

١. يا قمراً فوق رأسه تاجُ
يخجل من حسنِ لونه العاجُ

2. When he walks he almost attracts
A train for him like sand dunes

٢. إذا تَمَشَّى يكاد يجذبه
رِدفٌ له كالكَثِيب رَجْراجُ

3. As if in his pockets there is a moon
And in his pants there are waves

٣. كأنما في جيوبه قمر
وفي السروايل منه أمواجُ

4. If you are having fun with wealth
Then my poverty to you is in need

٤. إن كنتَ عني مُمَتَّعاً بغنىً
فإنّ فقري إليك محتاجُ