
The deaf and unkempt listened to what I said

أصغى لما قلت الأصم الأصلخ

1. The deaf and unkempt listened to what I said
Goodness, and the truth has reasons that ignite

١. أصغَى لما قلتُ الأصمُّ الأصلَخُ
حُسْناً وللحقِّ دواعٍ تَصْمَخُ

2. Rejoice, for what you have done is cooked
Away from you, and the fires of hearts rebuked

٢. أبشِرْ فما قَارَفْتَه مُسبَّخُ
عنك ونيران الصدورِ بُوَّخُ

3. Indeed the sublime are for the sublime, excellent brothers
Who do no evil out of subjugation and coercion

٣. إن العلاء للعُلا نِعْمَ الأخُ
لا يفعل السُّوءَى لرضْخٍ يُرْضَخُ

4. And good deeds about them are not erased
The elders ransom themselves and the wretched

٤. والحسناتُ عنه لا تُمَسَّخُ
تفدِي الكهولُ نفسَه والشُّرَّخُ

5. In every era they rise up and breathe life
Their glories have now become worn out

٥. في كل دهرٍ يَنْبَرِي ويَنْقخُ
قد أصبحت أنْقَاؤهم تُمَخَّخُ

6. And the soul within their dead is breathed
Since their foundation from it the redolent smelled

٦. والرُّوحُ في الأموات منهم تُنْفخُ
مُذْ ساسهم منه أشمٌّ أبلخُ

7. The most noble not denied by the freed
Their fathers in the kingdom established of old

٧. أَغَرُّ لا تُنْكره مُشمْرخُ
آباؤه في المُلْك قِدْماً تُنَّخُ

8. Exporters of their glory chronicled
Of ambition that ascends and wisdom steadfast

٨. مُصدَّرٌ بمجدهم مؤرّخُ
ذو همةٍ تسمو وحلم يرسخُ

9. Whose views are the truth that does not abrogate
And his resolve is the definite that does not invalidate

٩. آراؤه الحقُّ الذي لا يُنسَخُ
وعزمه الحتْم الذي لا يُفْسَخُ

10. So every hardship was humbled before him
And every region by him Razed and mapped

١٠. فكُّل صعبٍ راضَهُ مُزَيَّخُ
وكلُّ إقليمٍ به مدوَّخُ

11. When calamities rumbled and scraped
He confronted them as their darkness peeled and flayed

١١. إذا الخطوبُ طفقت تطَخْطَخُ
فاجْتَابَها ظلت دُجاها تُسلخُ

12. And when the memory of his generosity oozed
The praiser of his bounty is not chastised or rebuked

١٢. وعند ذكرى جُوده يُبَخْبَخُ
فالمعتفي جَدواه لا يُوَبَّخُ

13. And his honour is the untainted honour
By any blemish, though some are blemished

١٣. وعِرضُهُ العرض الذي لا يُلْطَخُ
بالطَّيخِ إذ بعضهم مُطَيَّخُ

14. But he is of the scent of musk pure and soaked
As if he is sprayed with pure undiluted musk

١٤. بل هُوَ مِنْ طيب الثنا مُضَمَّخُ
كأنه بالمسك محضاً يُنضخُ

15. Care packages are still dispatched
To him cut off, while rivals are late and lagged

١٥. ما إن تزال قُلُصٌ تُنَوَّخُ
إليه مقطوعاً بهنّ سَرْبَخُ

16. A bank sees its haters tired out and sagged
As if their zeal around him is extracted and dragged

١٦. قَرْمٌ ترى حسّاده تأخَّخُ
حتى كأن الهامَ منهم تُشْدَخُ

17. He has mountains of glory smoking
Beyond them the tall and lanky falls short

١٧. له من المجد جبالٌ شُمَّخُ
يقصر عنها المَضْرَحيُّ الأفْتَخُ

18. Their peaks rose as the origins solidified
How obedient is waste if he wastes!

١٨. علتْ ذُرَاها والأصولُ رُسَّخُ
ما أطوع البذْخَ له لو يَبْذَخُ