
With his retinue mounted on a platter

وطائف باسته على طبق

1. With his retinue mounted on a platter
Seeking to attain an elevation equaling it

١. وطائفٍ باستِهِ على طبقٍ
يبغي لها حَرْبةً تُطاولُها

2. Treating every faction basely
You see no supreme one treating it

٢. مُعاملٍ كلَّ عُصبةٍ سفلتْ
ولا ترى عِلْيةً يُعاملُها

3. We said why is it you fancy the dregs of
Mankind, and the worst of affairs are its dregs

٣. قلْنا له لمْ هواكَ في سفلِ ال
ناس وشرُّ الأمورِ سافلُها

4. Is it a band concurring in obeying you
Or a faction distinguishing its rascals

٤. أفِرْقَةٌ وافقتْك طاعتُها
أمْ عُصبةٌ فُضّلتْ غراملُها

5. He said I found the reed's knots from reed
Its elect being the harshest of its low parts

٥. قال وجدْتُ الكعوبَ من قصبٍ
مختارُها شدةً أسافلُها

6. And I am in character a young man of the dregs so my aspiration
And my misery equals the meanness of them

٦. واسْتُ الفتى سِفْلة فغايتُها
ووكدُها سِفلة يُشاكلُها