
Patience, O Commander of the Faithful

صبرا أمير المؤمنينا

1. Patience, O Commander of the Faithful
For Allah rewards the patient

١. صبراً أميرَ المؤمنينا
فاللَّهُ يجز الصَّابرينا

2. We used to congratulate those indulged
On the caliphate before you

٢. كنَّا نُهَنِّي بالخلا
فة قبلكَ المُتَنَعِّمينا

3. Until when it came to you, you guided with the guidance of the rightly-guided
So you denied yourself its luxuries

٣. حتى إذا صارت إلي
ك هَدَيْتَ هَدْيَ الراشدينا

4. And showed it to the milkers
And when you were deprived of its wares

٤. فمنعْتَ نفسَكَ دَرَّها
ومَرَيْتها للحالبينا

5. You sold it for a precious price
So be patient with it - your helper

٥. ولمَا غُبِنْتَ متاعَها
بل بعتها بيعاً ثمينا

6. Whom you were pleased with does not cease to support you
It is a tribulation for the righteous

٦. فاصبرْ لها لا زالَ عَوْ
نك مَنْ رَضِيتَ به مُعينا

7. And a trial for the extravagant

٧. هِيَ مِحْنَةٌ للمتَّقي
ن وفِتنةٌ لِلْمُتْرفينا