
Your trusting the ravages of time with a self that passes through the agonies of your abandonment, is a witness that swears to the swearers that your secret in it is like your declaration.

إن ائتمانك آفات الزمان على

1. Your trusting the ravages of time with a self that passes through the agonies of your abandonment, is a witness that swears to the swearers that your secret in it is like your declaration.
Sins I do not know have destroyed me, so make their covering from some of your kindness. And be gentle with a self that did not swim even if it was ignorant of the amount of its stumbling, the amount of your forgiveness.

١. إنَّ ائتمانَكَ آفاتِ الزمانِ على
نفسٍ تمرُّ بها لوعاتُ هجرانِكْ

2. If you refuse sworn oaths, then your pardon is the expiations of your oaths.
You punished me with a punishment I cannot stand, while you are too shy to discipline your young men.

٢. لشاهدٌ حالفٌ للحالفينَ لها
بأنَّ سرَّك فيه مثلُ إعلانِكْ

3. Do not make me the floating scum of the cup after I valued myself from the breathes of your basil.
And remember when oblivion was at its worse for you, that I was your happiness in days of your sorrows.

٣. قد أوبقتني ذنوبٌ لستُ أعرِفُها
فاجعلْ تغمُّدَها من بعض إحسانكْ

4. Days will come to you regretfully, so accept me and do not see that regretters are like your regretters.
Pardon, for we are servants. If you stand firmly against us seriously you would kill the likes of us not your peers.

٤. وارفُق بنفسٍ فلم تعْمَهْ وإنْ جهلَت
مقدارُ زلَّتها مقدارُ غفرانك

5. By the right of those you hope for and fear, be generous with forgiveness and extinguish some of your fires.
And weigh my sins with what good I previously sent forth, for I do not fear the injustice of your scale.

٥. فإنْ أبيتَ لأيمانٍ مؤكدةٍ
فبَذْلُك العفوَ كفاراتُ أيمانك

٦. عاقبتني بعقابٍ لا أقومُ له
وأنت تَحرَجُ من تقويمِ غلمانِك

٧. لا تجعلنّي قذاةَ الكأسِ مقليةً
بعد اعتداديَ من منفوسِ ريحانك

٨. واذكر وُقيتَ من النسيان أسوَأَه
كوني سُرورَك في أيام أحزانك

٩. أيام آتيك ندماناً فتقبلُني
ولا ترى أنَّ ندمانا كندمانك

١٠. عفواً فإنّا عبيدٌ إن صمدْتَ لنا
بالجدّ قاتلتَ منا غيرَ أقرانك

١١. بحقّ منْ أنت راجيه وخائفُهُ
جُدْ باغتفارٍ وأخْمِدْ بعض نيْرانك

١٢. وزِنْ ذنوبي بما أسلفتُ من حسنٍ
فإنني لستُ أخشى ظُلمَ ميزانك