1. The future's pages are fearful
The future's gifts are secure
١. مُسْتَقْبِلٌ خَائِفَهُ الصَّفْحُ
مُسْتَقْبٍلٌ آمِنَهُ المنْحُ
2. A breach, if you seek help, its aid is known
God's victory and opening come to you
٢. خِرْقٌ إذا استَنْجَدْتَ معروفه
جاءك نصرُ الله والفتحُ
3. Beauty shared its benevolence
Evil and ugliness departed from it
٣. شاركَ فيه الحُسْنُ إحْسَانَهُ
وزال عنه القُبْحُ والقَبْحُ
4. The rain of a loud, pouring, thunderous cloud
Pouring on it, not sprinkling
٤. شُؤبُوبُ غيثٍ مُصْعِقٍ مُغْدِقٍ
تهتانُهُ الوابِلُ لا الرَشْحُ
5. The blaze of a fire, so take light and seek shelter
For the spark has warned you
٥. أُلهُوبُ نارٍ فاستِنرْ واسْتَتِرْ
منه فقد أنذرك اللَّفْحُ
6. In its generosity there is stint, and in its wrath
Slowness, but its affair is a blink
٦. في بَذْلِه وشْكٌ وفي بطشه
بُطءٌ ولكنْ أمْرُهُ لَمْحُ
7. Its hesitation is not weakness or lethargy
No, its pace is not sluggish
٧. ليس تَأَنِّيهِ وَنَى فَتْرَةٍ
كلا ولا جِرْيَتُهُ جَمْحُ
8. Good lies in all that pleases Him
And only His anger brings harm
٨. الخيرُ في مَرْضاتِهِ كُلُّهُ
وإنَّمَا سَخْطَتُهُ بَرْحُ
9. Like a sword, gentle to one it touches
Lightly, yet its blade brings slaughter
٩. كالسَّيف ذو لين لمن مسَّه
صَفْحاً وفي شفرته الذبْحُ
10. If you kindle its fire from His thoughts
In a night of peril, the spark grows weighty
١٠. فإنْ قَدَحْتَ النارَ من فِكْرِهِ
في ليلِ خَطْبٍ أثْقَبَ القَدْحُ
11. It becomes, from forbearance and from might
Its awe never lacks severity
١١. أصبح مِنْ حِلْم ومِنْ عِزَّة
لم يَخْلُ من هَيْبَتِهِ كَشْحُ
12. Like an unyielding tree, it does not butt
Yet it terrifies heads inclined to butting
١٢. كالطَّوْدِ لا يَنْطِحُ لكنه
يُوهِي رُؤوساً شَأنُها النطحُ
13. Who is he, that wailing man
Poetry, in describing him, swims
١٣. مَنْ ذَاكَ ذَاكَ الوائلي الذي
للشِّعْر في أوصافه سَبْحُ
14. Glorying in his days, nobility circles
Soaring, though its affair is not crowing
١٤. تَبْجَحُ عدنانُ بأيامه
طُرّاً وما مِنْ شأنِهِ البجْحُ
15. When a praiser recites his virtues
Succinctness and elaboration assist him
١٥. ممن إذا قَرَّظَهُ مادحٌ
ساعدَه الإجْمالُ والشَّرْحُ
16. Feared by Sheiban, hoped for by it
The lofty mountain and the low ground
١٦. مرهوبُ شَيْبَانَ ومأمُولُها
والجبل الشَّامِخُ والسَّفْحُ
17. The generous and mighty one, by whose name
Life flourished and cattle dispersed
١٧. ذو الجود والبأسِ الذي باسمِهِ
جاد الْحَيَا وانْتشر السَّرْحُ
18. The gentle and auspicious one, by whose name
Youth bloomed and wounds were bound
١٨. ذو الرفْق واليُمْنِ الذي باسمه
فُلَّ الشَّبَا وانْدَمَلَ القَرْحُ
19. Whose jesting is earnest, by his benevolence
A tribe ransomed, their earnestness jest
١٩. مَنْ مَزْحُهُ جِدٌّ بِمعرُوفِهِ
يَفْدِيهِ قوْمٌ جِدُّهُمْ مَزْحٌ
20. How many a family without land
No striving or toil for them
٢٠. كم عائلٍ ليست له ضيْعَةٌ
ولا بِهِ سعْيٌ ولا كدحُ
21. Abu Al-Saqr has become for it land
Cultivated by praise and eulogy
٢١. أضحى أبو الصّقر له ضَيْعةً
عُمْرَانُها التَّقْرِيظُ والمدحُ
22. But for his support, a people would have perished
Yet from his spirit comes a breath for them
٢٢. لولا نداه هلكتْ أُمَّةٌ
لكنْ لها مِنْ رُوحِهِ نَفحُ
23. God increases his wealth and makes it grow
The sea, drawing from it cannot exhaust
٢٣. يُعْطِي ويُنْمِي الله أموالَهُ
والبحْرُ لا يُنْضِبْهُ النَّزْحُ
24. His bounties in the world remain
Sown, as long as wheat is sown
٢٤. لا برحَتْ آلاؤُهُ في الورى
مَزْرُوعَةً ما زُرعَ القمحُ
25. Becoming clement, sublime, so poetry about him
Is just like him, clement
٢٥. أصبح سَمْحاً باللُّهَا في العُلاَ
فالشِّعْرُ فيه مِثْلُهُ سَمْحُ
26. He has an offspring spreading his spirit
Eulogy, on his wealth, a reward
٢٦. لَه نَثا ينْشُر أرْواحَهُ
مَدْحٌ له في مَالِهِ مَتْحُ
27. Like musk, the flowers soaked up his water
It, and the logs, made fragrant by it
٢٧. كالمسْكِ مَجَّ الوردُ من مائِهِ
فيه وأذكاهُ به الجَدْعُ