1. The prince of Damascus spent his days
Bowed under the weight of his troubles and sorrows
١. أمسى دمشقيُّ الأمير ودهرُه
ملقٍ عليه بركَهُ وجِرانَهُ
2. And was afflicted by two tribulations that made
His tears flow and revived his grief
٢. والَى عليه مصيبتين أفاضتا
عبراتِه واستذكَتا أحزانَهُ
3. For his dear brother and kind mother
Whose companionship was torn from him yesterday
٣. بأخ شقيقٍ بعد أُمٍّ برةٍ
بالأمس قطَّع منهما أقرانَهُ
4. His greatest agony is for his brother
Who had been his confidant and mainstay
٤. وأجلُّ رُزءيه أخوه فإنه
قد كان مُنصَلَهُ وكان سنانَهُ
5. So may the magnificent king restore him to life
For his power did not fail him, nor his dominion
٥. فليُحيِه الملك الهُمام فلم يَفُت
مَحياهُ قدرتَهُ ولا سلطانَهُ
6. And that I may take his place
And guard the prince's house in his stead
٦. وحياتُه لي أن أقوم مقَامَه
وأسُدُّ من دار الأمير مكانَهُ
7. Lest I see anyone enjoy his income
Or settle in his lands after him
٧. كيلا أرى أحداً يُقاتُ برزقه
غيري ويُوطَنُ بَعده أوطانَهُ
8. And when I take my brother's place
I will be his soul even if not his body
٨. ومتى خلفتُ أخي هناك فإنما
أنا روحُه إن لم أكن جثمانَهُ
9. So will the prince aid his servant in this
Prolonging and completing his benevolence?
٩. فهل الأمير بذاك مُسعِفُ عبدِهِ
متطولاً ومُكمِّلاً إحسانَهُ
10. Or not, and your servant spreads before you his excuse
Whether you refuse him and deprive him of fellowship
١٠. أم لا فعبدُك باسطٌ لك عذرَه
إمَّا أبيتَ ولائمٌ حرمانَهُ
11. How can one willingly blame you
As long as you live, or blame the times?
١١. أنَّى يلومُك طائعاً من لا يرى
ما دمتَ حياً أن يلومَ زمانَهُ
12. I think without doubt you will help me
A belief I am sure will prove true
١٢. وأظن أنك لا محالَة مُسعِفي
ظناً سيتْبَعُ شكُّه استيقانَهُ
13. That you may care for what you entrusted my brother
And rebuild my side into civilisation
١٣. لِترُبَّ ما قد كنت توليه أخي
عندي وتعمرَ جانبي عمرانَهُ
14. You are not one who would appoint a successor
Only to replace him when the time suits you
١٤. لستَ الذي يُولي الوليَّ صنعيةً
حَتىُ إذا حَين الوليِّ أحانَهُ