1. A gazelle returned after absence, remembrance
And the gazelle continued after it had abandoned it
١. راجَعَ من بعد سلوةٍ ذِكَرَهْ
وواصَلَ الظبي بعدما هَجَرَهْ
2. A gazelle called a wandering, burdened heart
Whose heart converses with what it commanded it
٢. ظبيٌ دعا قلبَ هائمٍ كلفٍ
مؤتمِرٍ قلبُهُ بما أمره
3. Its beauty gives it company and its
Ugliness of deeds estranges it when it remembers it
٣. يؤنِسُهُ حُسنهُ ويوحشهُ
قبحُ أفاعيله إذا ذكره
4. It continues calling it because of its beauty
Calling when the evil of its action deters it
٤. مازال يدعوه من محاسنهِ
داعٍ إذا سوءُ فِعلِهِ زَجره
5. Neither union clears for it even if it is determined
Separation's hatred has overcome its patience
٥. لا الوصلُ يصفو له وإن عزم ال
هِجرانَ غال النزاعُ مصطبره
6. It comes near so it is distanced, if it moves away haughtily
It spends the night with its crying rivaling its wakefulness
٦. يدنو فيُقصَى فإن نَأى أنفاً
بات يباري بكاؤهُ سهرَهْ
7. It has cast it in a confusing confusion
So it does not see its relief or its chest
٧. ألقاه في حيرةٍ محيِّرةٍ
فما يرى وِردَهُ ولا صَدَرَهْ
8. A gazelle, and the gazelle is not similar to it
In beauty except its theft of its maids
٨. ظبيٌ وما الظبي بالشبيه به
في الحسن إلا استراقَه حَوره
9. The beauty of its snorting and the melody of its voice
And a thrill in it from the sublimity of its dawn
٩. وحسنَ أجياده وغُنَّتِهِ
ونفرةً فيه مِن رُقَى الفَجَره
10. Beauties all of which are stolen
From it and all who saw it sought its forgiveness
١٠. محاسنٌ كلهن مسترقٌ
منه وكلٌّ رآه فاغتفره
11. Its generosity distracted it from the meanness of that
For it has a beauty when compared to it immersed it
١١. سخّاه عن رُزءِ ذاك أنَّ له
حُسناً إذا قاسه به غمره
12. And every meanness, it is majesty
When the remainder for its people is abundant
١٢. وكلُّ رزء فإنَّه جَلَلٌ
إذا المبقَّى لأهله كثَرهْ
13. Oh if only from its pardon for its lover
But that is something it has forbidden
١٣. يا ليت مِن عفوه لعاشقهِ
بل ذاك شيء عليه قد حظرهْ
14. It forgives its thief his crime
While it is most ungrateful to its blessings
١٤. يصفح عن لصّهِ جريمَته
وهْو لنعماه أكفرُ الكَفره
15. And I do not cease from blaming
Without sin, weighing and exonerating
١٥. ولستُ أنفكُّ من معاتبةٍ
بغير ذنب موازِنٍ وبَره
16. Oh, the wonder of my tormentor, wondrously
My wonder at it, its weakness wasted it
١٦. يا عجباً من مُعذِّبي عجباً
عُجبي به ضِعفُهُ فقد هَدَره
17. It permitted what was attained from its adornments even if
The morning asked it for a kiss, presenting its excuse
١٧. سوَّغ ما نِيل من حُلاه ولو
يسأله الصبُّ قُبلةً نَهره
18. As it starved the garment when it turned away from it
And had wrinkled its waist wrapper and burdened it
١٨. كما أجاع الوشاحَ حين تَردْ
دَاهُ وقد كظَّ مِئزراً وَزره
19. By Allah, O brothers, I asked you
Is not my Master the most unjust of the unjust
١٩. بالله يا إخوتي سألتُكُمُ
أليس مولاي أجْوَرُ الجَوَره
20. The sword of enmity is in his hand against me
Without people, he has brandished it
٢٠. أضحى وسيف العداء في يدهِ
عليَّ دون الأنام قد شَهره
21. If his anklet bites his anklet
Or the knot of his wrap comes undone, wrapped
٢١. إن عض خلخالهُ مُخلْخَلَهُ
أو شفّ عقدُ الإزار مؤتَزره
22. He unjustly comes at me insulting me
As if I am every treacherous betrayer
٢٢. أقبل ظُلماً عليّ يشتمني
كأنني كلُّ واترٍ وَتَره
23. And he saw a gray hair so he denied it
And that is from his deeds had he considered it
٢٣. وقد رأى شيبةً فأنكرها
وتلك من فعله لو اعتبره
24. My love for him wore out a body so what do you think
He denies
٢٤. شَيّبَني من هواهُ ما نَهك ال
جسمَ فماذا ترونَهُ نَكِره
25. Did you not shepherd it with beauty
And it shepherded that its hair was denied
٢٥. ألم ترعهُ محاسنٌ نَحلتْ
وراعه أن تنكَّرتْ شَعَره
26. He saw whiteness in the short and no
Aversion like the aversion I saw it show
٢٦. أبصر بيضاء في القَذالِ فلا
نَفْرٌ كنفرٍ رأيتُهُ نَفَره
27. He is astonished at one who kills men even if
No trace of a gray hair appeared for him to be wary
٢٧. أعجِبْ بمن يقتل الرجال وإن
لاحَ له شخص شيبةٍ ذَعره
28. He does me no injustice, neither my age
Nor does he wrong his anklets or his wrap
٢٨. لا يظلمنِّي ولا سِنى ولا
يظلم خلاخيله ولا أُزرَه
29. So there is a gray hair in a lover and worn
God has acquitted them both of old age
٢٩. فربَّ شيبٍ بعاشقٍ وبِلىً
قد برَّأ الله منهما كِبرَهْ
30. His years did not white his head nor
Did it wear him out but the heat of his passion melted him
٣٠. ما شَيَّبت رأسهُ السنون ولا
أبلتهُ بل حَرُّ وجدِهِ صَهره
31. And there is tiredness in clothing while he
Is not perfect but his zeal overpowered him
٣١. ورب ضيقٍ بملبسٍ وهو ال
سَابغ لكنَّ قِرنَه قَهَره
32. The anklet and the wrap have expanded for him
So what they contained increased over need
٣٢. قد أوسع الحِجْلُ والإزار لهُ
فزاد ما ضُمِّنا على الحَزَره
33. And from his transgression is that he always
Considers harm a benefit for his servant and his harm
٣٣. ومِن تَعدّيه أنه أبداً
يعتدُّ نفعاً لعبده ضرره
34. He considers what the wretched intentionally does
To attain while his benefit does not watch him
٣٤. يعتدُّ ما يعمِد الشقي بهِ
نيلاً ولم يَعْدُ نفعُهُ بصره
35. So if he sees his loss in a dream
He averts his gaze from it or winks
٣٥. فإن رأى في المنام هفوتهُ
غضّ من الطرف عنه أو شَزره
36. He considers displaying his beauty
An attainment that aroused the hottest passions
٣٦. يعتدُّ إبداءهُ محاسنَهُ
نَيْلاً لحرَّانَ هَيَّجت حَسَره
37. If his harshness prohibits his love
He calls to it with the softness of cheer
٣٧. إذا نهتْ عن هواه غلظتُهُ
دعا إليه برقةِ البشره
38. And a glance of two eyes, if he directed them
To a knight in his armor, it would captivate him
٣٨. ولحْظِ عينين لو أدارهما
لفارسٍ في سلاحِهِ أسره
39. The sway of two sick gazelles leads
Him, capturing stony hearts completely able
٣٩. نِضْوَى سَقامٍ يقود ضعفُهما
له شدادَ القلوب مُقتَسره
40. From the effeminacy of their two eyelids and their ogling
He learned magic - the most skilled of sorcerers
٤٠. من خُنْثِ جفْنيهما وغُنْجهما
تعلَّم السحرَ ماهرُ السَّحره
41. And an obvious, laughing dimple with which is a
Mustache that knows the rain of Damascus from its clouds
٤١. ومُضْحكٍ واضحٍ به شَنبٌ
يعرف من شام برقَهُ مطره
42. It guarantees the eye the goodness of its spittle
A mouth that rivals its purity unfermented wine
٤٢. يضمن للعين طيب ريقتهِ
ثغرٌ يباري نقاؤهُ أَشَرَه
43. Its scintillation describes its sweetness
And its breeze is not hidden at its waist
٤٣. ينعت لألاؤُهُ عذوبتَهُ
وليس يُخفى نسيمُه خَصره
44. If the laugher laughed at the sad one because of it
Baring lightning, trailing pearls
٤٤. لو ضاحك المَزنَ عنه ضاحَكَهُ
عن برقه مُسبلاً له دِرره
45. And the platter of a flaming cheek is an ember
It casts into the heart constantly sparks
٤٥. وصحنُ خدٍّ حريقُهُ ضَرِمٌ
يقذف في القلب دائماً شرره
46. There is no water except the saliva of its companion
That extinguishes the blaze of a watcher's passion
٤٦. لا ماءَ إلا رضابُ صاحبِهِ
يطفىء عن قلب ناظِرٍ سُعرَه
47. The rose lent it the beauty of its color
But the rose’s color is extracted from it
٤٧. أعاره الوردُ حسن صِبغته
بل صِبغةُ الورد منه معتصره
48. An intermingler, a visitor, kissing smoothness
If it lets down, trailing its excuse
٤٨. وفاحمٍ واردٍ يقبِّل مَم
شاه إذا اختالَ مُسبِلاً عُذرَهْ
49. It comes like the night from its separation
Descending, not blaming its descent
٤٩. أقبل كالليل من مفارقِهِ
مُنحدِراً لا تَذمُّ منحدره
50. Until it reaches its resting places
Kissing the dust of every resting place
٥٠. حتى تناهَى إلى مَواطئهِ
يلثِم من كل موْطئٍ عَفَره
51. As if it were a lover who approached out of passion
Until fulfilling from its beloved intercourse
٥١. كأنه عاشقٌ دنا شغفاً
حتى قضى من حبيبه وَطره
52. Its steeds cover its feet with whiteness
For viewers, completely able
٥٢. تغشَى غواشي قرونه قدماً
بيضاءَ للناظرين مقتدره
53. Like the Pleiades when they appear at dawn
After clouds and darkness, appearing
٥٣. مثلَ الثريا إذا بدت سَحراً
بعد غمامٍ وحاسرٍ حَسره
54. And the good face of a silver ewer which the
Jeweler habitually selects its engraving
٥٤. وجيدِ إبريقِ فضةٍ دأبَ ال
صوَّاغُ حتى اصطفى له نُقَره
55. It takes on jewelry like gossip not
Beauty from its beauty which its day made public
٥٥. يتخذ الحَلْيَ كالنميمة لا ال
زينة من حسنه الذي جَهره
56. And the beauty of a waist which its Able Maker
Excelled in creating so it did not extend or shorten
٥٦. وحسنِ قدٍّ أجاد قادرُهُ
قدْراً فما مَدَّه ولا قَصَره
57. It was balanced as if it were a branch
From the best of what a tree produced
٥٧. عُدِّل حتى كأنه غُصنٌ
من خير ما أنجبتْ به شَجرهْ
58. Bearing two breasts whose weight it lightened
Extremely so it has no harm or exhaustion
٥٨. يحمل ثديين خَفَّ ثِقلُهما
جداً فلا آده ولا اهْتَصره
59. The beauty of people is derived
From its beauties, summarized in beauty
٥٩. محاسنُ الناس من محاسنه
منسوخةٌ في الحسان مختصره
60. As if when God shaped it
He gave it a choice over His creation of forms
٦٠. كأنما الله حين صَوّرهُ
خَيَّرَه دونَ خلقهِ صُوَره
61. An untamed gazelle that did not pasture the wilderness nor
Mingle with its deer or cows
٦١. أغيدُ لم يرتعِ الخَلاء ولا
خالط غِزلانَه ولا بقره
62. It being pastured by the wilderness is sufficient for it
That for it from every protected heart is its fruit
٦٢. يكفيه رعي الخلاء أنَّ له
من كل قلبٍ مُمنَّعٍ ثَمَره
63. How many sympathetic people to me it has wronged
And if it saw the beauty of its face, it would excuse it
٦٣. كم من شفيقٍ عليّ ظَلَّمَهُ
ولو رأى حسنَ وجهه عذره
64. And supporters of me against it, if
Its own motives called to aid me one time, they would support me
٦٤. وناصرٍ لي عليه لو هَتفتْ
به دواعيه مرّةً نصره
65. Leave mentioning it, mentioning it is fervor
And abstain from praise safely taking its pearls
٦٥. دعْ ذكره إنّ ذكره شعفٌ
وامنحْ من المدح سالماً غُررَه
66. The One, the Majestic whom the
Like of does not exist so it did not meet a match
٦٦. الواحد الماجد الذي عدم ال
مِثْل فلم يلق ماجداً عشره
67. The heir of all glory that a competitor does
Not ward off its crowns or thrones
٦٧. الوارث المجد كلّ أصيدَ لا
يدفع تيجانه ولا سُرُرَه
68. The speaker, the doer, the one with expansive
Virtue, neither complaining of the Most High’s stinginess or withholding
٦٨. القائل الفاعل الموارعَ لا
يشكو العلى بخله ولا حَصره
69. The one of lofty and good lineage and the near
One whose depth malice does not reach
٦٩. ذا المستقى الطيب القريب وذا ال
غور الذي لا تناله المَكَره
70. The granter of requests and
The questioner of souls and the one who throws at everyone who sounded him out
٧٠. المانح السائل الرغائبَ وال
غائل مِسبارَ كلِّ من سَبره
71. The one of gentleness, strength, solidity and the
Toughness beneath the facile hand
٧١. ذا المِرة الشَّزْرِ والمتانة وال
عقدةِ تحت السجية اليَسره
72. The soft one requesting millions through it and the
Vehemence requesting through it the one who lacks
٧٢. ذا اللين سائل به المَلاين وال
شِدّة سائل به من اعْتَسره
73. The undertaker of honorable stratagems and the
Abandoner of what fortune in it risks him to neglect
٧٣. الآخذ الخطة الرضيّة وال
تارك ما الحظ فيه أن يذره
74. The one of gentle, sweet generosity and bitter
Harshness if an ardent zealot rouses and stirs him
٧٤. ذا الكرم العذب والمُناكرة ال
مرّة إن هاج هائجٌ وغَرهْ
75. No one has tasted a sweeter honey nor more patient endurance
Than one who has tasted his honey and his endurance
٧٥. ما ذاق شهداً أجل ولا صَبِراً
من لم يذق شهده ولا صبرَه
76. The prepared lion since it realized
That wildness for lions is dug up
٧٦. الأسدَ المستعدَّ منذ دَرَى
أن الزُّبَى للأسود محتَفره
77. The aspirant brandisher since it saw
That supremacy in generosity is undertaken early
٧٧. العارض المستهلّ منذ رأى
أنّ العلى في الكرام مبتَدره
78. The prominent in his writing
For in another there is deficiency and evil
٧٨. الراجح العفّ في كتابته
إذ في سواه نقيصةٌ وشَرَهْ
79. He sees the place of one far in fraud and the
Concealer in the burrow
٧٩. يرى مكان البعيد من دغلِ ال
مُدغِل والمستسِرِّ في الجحرَهْ
80. He encompassed knowledge of all hidden things
As if the earth were in his hands grasped
٨٠. أحاط علماً بكل خافيةٍ
كأنما الأرض في يديه كُرَهْ
81. Wait, do not count among those who oppose him
Enemies while their number is few
٨١. مَهْ لا تَعُدَّن من ينابذهُ
له عُداةً وعُدَّهمِ جَزره
82. No, and not the seekers of his nobleness
Have casual friends and their number is some
٨٢. كلا ولا طالبي فواضلهِ
له عُفاةً وعُدّهم نَفره
83. And a critic of him I said you have attempted
What you cannot attain, boastful
٨٣. ورائمٍ رامه فقلت له
حاولت من لا تنال مفتخَره
84. You attempted one whom I do not see you equalling
In sale from a span if a span
٨٤. طاولتَ من لا أراك مُنْتصفاً
باعُك من شبره إذا شَبره
85. I describe the height while constantly viewing
Their faces to it, describing
٨٥. أصْوَر نحو العلى ترى أبداً
إلى نواحي وجوهِها صَوَره
86. I avert from the face of every disgrace
Disgrace in its entirety does not lack aversion
٨٦. أزْورَ عن وجه كل فاحشةٍ
لا يعدِم الفحشُ كله زَوَره
87. If the sea presented short of a favor
And the sea has no crossing that crosses it
٨٧. لو أعرض البحر دون مكرمةٍ
وليس للبحر مَعْبر ضَبرَه
88. Victorious through what he attempts
God will not deprive a greeting of victory
٨٨. مظفَّرٌ بالتي يحاولها
لا يُعدِم الله سالماً ظَفره
89. In it is a dignity that restrains its rebellion
And in it is a limit that makes its victor mighty
٨٩. فيه وقارٌ يكفُّ سَوْرته
وفيه حدٌّ يَعز منتصِره
90. Consult him regarding opinion if given choice and do not
Throw you in opinion, he is its splitter
٩٠. شاورْه في الرأي إن أُثِرتَ ولا
يَرِمْك بالرأي إنّه فَطَره
91. That which his praiser said however it departs
From a throw it returns poor
٩١. ذاك الذي قال فيه مادحهُ
مهما انتحى من رميَّةٍ فقَره
92. Walk by the guidance of a star that guided you by it
And do not expose yourself to a star that harms
٩٢. سِرْ بهُدَى كوكبٍ هَداك به
ولا تَعرَّضْ لكوكبٍ كَدرَه
93. God has granted security from fearing
Poverty when Salim’s generosity laughed lightly
٩٣. قد آمَنَ الله من يخاف من ال
فقر إذا جودُ سالمٍ خَفَره
94. Oh Lord of a complainant whose party let him down
Relieved by his generosity complaining of betrayal
٩٤. يا رُبّ شاكٍ إليه خَلَّتَهُ
راح بجدواه يشتكي بطره
95. His favor precedes reprisals even if
He presented a promise, you account it a vow
٩٥. يسبق معروفُهُ العِدات وإن
قدّم وعداً حسبتَه نذره
96. The people do not turn away from his praise nor
Does the night conversant tire of mentioning his night conversation
٩٦. لا يُعرض القوم عن ثناه ولا
يَملّ سُمَّارُ ذكره سمره
97. Who informs the elite of Al-‘Abbas Abu Al-
‘Abbas from every praiser his effect
٩٧. مَن مُبْلغٌ صفوةَ الأمير أبي ال
عباس عن كل حامدٍ أثره
98. That its companion has assumed leadership
With wisdom that destined success for it
٩٨. أن قد تولَّى الزمامَ صاحبُهُ
بحكمةٍ أحكمت له مِرَره
99. So he led the formidable matters by it
Neither fearing its weakness nor its inadequacy
٩٩. فقاد مستصعَبَ الأمور بهِ
لا خائفاً ضَعفَهُ ولا قِصَرَهْ
100. You have directed it neither leaning towards corruption
Intentionally nor stumbling with stumbling
١٠٠. ولَّيتَ لا مائلاً إلى دنسٍ
عمداً ولا عاثراً مع العَثره
101. It is the strong, the trusted one so cast to it
Whatever insoluble thing you possess is its rock
١٠١. هو القويُّ الأمينُ فارْمِ بهِ
ما شئتَ من معضلٍ يكُن حجره
102. The people do not complain of its violence and likewise
Its weakness and ruin do not complain
١٠٢. لا يشتكي الناسُ عنفهُ وكذا
لا تشتكي ضعفهُ ولا خوره
103. I have made it race while the capable ones are comfortable
So it came without its face covered in gloom
١٠٣. أجريتَهُ والكُفاةَ في طَلَقٍ
فجاء لم تغشَ وجهه قَتره
104. Its pride appears above the forehead
As if it were the Buyer or Venus
١٠٤. تلوح فوق الجبين غرّتُهُ
كأنها المشتري أو الزُهَرَهْ
105. And its companions came while all of them
Its effort had narrowed them and confused them
١٠٥. وجاء أصحابُهُ وكلُّهُمُ
قد كظَّهُ جَهدُهُ وقد بَهره
106. They did not match its stature and if they had
It was possible for a man to outrun his destiny
١٠٦. لم يلحقوا شأوهُ ولو فعلوا
أمكن أن يسبِق امرؤٌ قدَره
107. And it did not cease preceding men without
One of equal effort to it splitting dust
١٠٧. ولم يزل يسبق الرجالَ ولا
يشقُّ ذو جُهدهم له غَبَره
108. Until they conceded and its sayer among them said
The sacred month is a preceding yellow
١٠٨. حتى أقرُّوا وقال قائلُهُمْ
محرَّمُ الحول سابقٌ صَفرَهْ
109. And they took truth as their ornament
Forcibly despite their youth and smallness
١٠٩. واتخذوا الصدق زينةً لهُمُ
كَرهاً على رغمهم وهمْ صَغره
110. And it was an ornament to everyone who dreaded
The ardors his acknowledging whom it dreaded
١١٠. وكان زْيناً لكل من نفر ال
سؤددَ إقراره لمن نَفره
111. And whoever refused truth after
Superiority was mooned, from every side it was mooned
١١١. ومن أبى الصدق بعد ما قُمر ال
فضل فمن كل جانبٍ قُمِرَه
112. It angered its envious ones and subjugated them
That it moves among people so they approved its way
١١٢. أسخطَ حسادَهُ وأرغمهمْ
أنْ سار في الناس فارتضوْا سِيَره
113. Oh enviers of Salim Abu Hassan
Glory dressed him so his actions clothed him in ink
١١٣. يا حاسدي سالم أبي حسن
مجداً كساه فَعالُهُ حِبرَه
114. If praise returns a man glory
Then before his dream it girded him
١١٤. إن يرتدِ الحمدَ سالمٌ رجلاً
فإنه قبل حُلمه ائْتزَره
115. It did not cease clothing him before his prime
But rather before creating him, full
١١٥. ما زال يُكساه قبل بُغيتهِ
إياه بل قبل خلقه بَدَره
116. Storing in a father of his then a
Father virtues being stored for him
١١٦. مدَّخَراً في أبٍ له فأبٍ
كانت له الصالحات مدَّخره
117. Then after that he strived earning
Glory until wearing it and strapping it
١١٧. ثم سعى بعد ذاك مكتسباً
للمجد حتى ارتداهُ واعْتَجره
118. Oh Lord of a known merit which he attained what
Praise sought in attaining it and did not lose
١١٨. يا رُبّ عُرفٍ أتاه ما طلب ال
حمدَ بإتيانه ولا خَسِره
119. He intended by granting it the pleasure of
A King who ennobled him after ennobling
١١٩. نوى بإسدائه رضا ملك
نفَّله الحمد بعد ما أجَره
120. And the righteous dealer never ceases to have for him
Profit in every dealing he deals
١٢٠. وتاجرُ البر لا يزال له
ربحان في كل مَتْجَرٍ تَجَره
121. Reward, praise, and he only intended
Reward but both of them faltered
١٢١. أجر وحمد وإنما قصد ال
أجَر ولكن كلاهما اعْتَوره
122. Like the owner of seed, he wants through it
Nothing but its revenue if he sows it
١٢٢. كصاحب البذر لا يريد به
شيئاً سوى رَيْعه إذا بَذَره
123. And when he meets wellbeing, it does not
Deprive not its revenue or greenery
١٢٣. وهْو إذا لُقِّي السلامة لا
يعدَم لا رَيعه ولا خَضِره
124. How often troubles made me happy when a time was bad to me
How often righteousness made me happy when righteous ones were few to me
١٢٤. كم سرَّني حين ساءني زمنٌ
كم برّني حين عَقَّني البرره
125. Oh Salim of goodness oh Abu Hassan
Oh one whom we found his news like his face
١٢٥. يا سالم الخير يا أبا حسنٍ
يا من وجدنا كوجهه خَبره
126. Oh beauty of face and marks if
A repeater repeated viewing it
١٢٦. يا حسن الوجه والشمائل إن
ردَّد فيه مردِّدٌ نظره
127. Oh beauty of guidance and manners if
A reiterator reiterated reflecting on it
١٢٧. يا حسن الهدْي والخلائق إن
كرَّر فيه مُكرّرٌ فِكرَه
128. What is upon one who sees you in a country
That he does not see its sun or its moon
١٢٨. ماذا على من يراك في بلدٍ
أنْ لا يرى شمسه ولا قمره
129. And what is upon one who sees you in a time
That he does not see its light or its blossom
١٢٩. وما على من يراك في زمنٍ
أن لا يرى نوْره ولا زَهره
130. You are the luminous lantern and the abundant herbage
Whose meadows its oxen have encompassed
١٣٠. أنت السراج المنير والكلأ ال
مُمرِع حَفّت رياضُه غُدَره
131. For every people, its glory is considered
Collected glory, fate has mandated it mornings
١٣١. لكل قومٍ يُعدُّ مجدُهُمُ
آصال مجدٍ سَهمتهم بُكره
132. And you have lived in the clothes of wellbeing
With which time fights for you against others
١٣٢. لا تحمدنّي فما جرى قلمي
إلّا بأشياءَ منك مختَبره
133. Below you a red dyed robe
Glimpsing from every envious eye
١٣٣. ما زدتُ فيما وصفتُ منك على
ما حصَّلتْهُ صحائفُ البرره
134. An adornment of pride if a chief wears it
Competing with a competitor, its pride
١٣٤. لم أبتدع في ثنائك الحسن ال
منشَر بل كنتُ بعض من نَشره
135. An amulet of protection if it is armored with it
It rebuked the sayer of abandonment, giggling its nails
١٣٥. لكنني أنظم الثناء إذا
مُثني ثناءٍ على امرئٍ نثره
136. Short of accommodation, while it is perfect
For the desire of listeners, all able
١٣٦. وما لمُثنٍ على أخي كرمٍ
حمدٌ ولكنه لمن فَطره
137. Like your convenient day your Lord shortened
In your lifetime which He made abundant
١٣٧. كم فيك من مِدحةٍ تظل على
ألسنة المنشدين مُعتَوره
138. It grew long so a perpetual generosity in you
Increased, tremendous, so it was said to summarize it
١٣٨. واسعدْ ببيت بنيتَهُ أفِدٍ
أُسِّس بنيانُهُ على الخِيَره
139. And if it rose wearing your assets from the
People, it would grow long and show its shortness
١٣٩. أُيِّد بالساج والحديد ولم
يوهَن بآجُرّةٍ ولا مَدَره
140. Oh son of Umar, glory does not make lonely
From you all, you are more majestic than it
١٤٠. بناءُ حزمٍ أبَى لصاحبه
في كل أمرٍ ركوبَهُ غَرَره
141. And you have lived in the dress of wellbeing
Which time fights for you against others
١٤١. لا يعرف الوهيَ والسقوط ولا
يخذُل ألواحُ ساجه دُسُره
142. Below you a robe dyed red
Glancing from every envious eyes
١٤٢. وخيرُ بيت بنيتَ مشتبِهٌ
وَفْقٌ ترى مثل سقفه جُدُرَهْ
143. An adornment of pride when a chief wears it
Competing against one competing, its pride
١٤٣. أسمرُ ما شاب لونَه برص ال
جَصِّ ولامس جلدُهُ وضَرَه
144. An amulet of protection if armored by it
It scolded the sayer of abandonment giggling its fingers
١٤٤. هَندسَه رأيك المبرِّز في ال
فضل وأعطته حقَّه النَّجَره
145. Short in residence while it is perfect
For the desire of listeners completely able
١٤٥. وعُلَّ من بعد ذاك بالذهب ال
أحمر فاختال لابساً شُهَره
146. Like your pleasant day your Lord shortened
In your lifetime which He made abundant
١٤٦. أهدى لك الدهرُ فيه حبْرته
ولا أرى ناظراً به عِبره
147. It lengthened so an abundant generosity in you
Bent, tremendous, so it was said summarize it
١٤٧. تَعمرُهُ بالنعيم والنِّعم ال
سُبَّغ ملبوسةً ومنتظره
148. And if it rose wearing the assets from you
From the people, it would lengthen and show its shortness
١٤٨. قريرَ عينٍ قرين مَغْبطةٍ
تفتضُّ من كل مَنعمٍ عُذَره
149. Oh son of Umar glory does not make you lonely
Indeed you are loftier than it
١٤٩. يُسمعك الشدوَ في جوانبهِ
مُناغياتُ البُمُوم والزِّيَرَهْ
150. And you lived in clothes of wellbeing
Fate fights for you against others
١٥٠. في كل يومٍ تراه بُكرتَهُ
وكل ليلٍ تخالهُ سَحَره
151. A home good has presented for you in it
And I do not see a viewer in it peregrinating
١٥١. كلاهما لا يزال قاطعُهُ
يدعو بسقياه كلَّ ما ادَّكره
152. Inhabiting it in bliss and blessing
Which saturated, being worn, and anticipating
١٥٢. زلّال بَرٍّ يظلّ يسكنه
بحر بحورٍ يُهلُّ من عَبره
153. The comfort of a content, accompanying eyes
That glance over every blessing its excuse
١٥٣. بل بيت بِرٍّ تظل كعبتهُ
محجوجةً للنوال معتَمرَه
154. At its sides the twitter of orioles and bees is heard
Courting you at dawn and dusk
١٥٤. تغشاك فيه عُفاة نائلك ال
غَمر فيمتار مُنفِضٌ مِيَرَه
155. Both continually a provider does not cease
Calling to water it whenever it came to mind
١٥٥. لا الجار يستبطِئُ الجوار ولا
يلعن من جاء نازعاً سَفرَه
156. Fresh righteousness that a sea of seas shelters
With its goodness overflowing
١٥٦. كعادةٍ لم تزل لكل أب
يَنميكَ تغشى عُفاتُه حُجَره
157. But a home of righteousness whose ancient house
Is forbidden, devoted to attainment
١٥٧. لا يشتري المال بالثناء ولا
تظل تُفدي صِرارُه بِدَره
158. Upon you in it barefoot attainers
Whose totality the sea has drowned
١٥٨. يجوز معروفه الغِنى ومُنَى ال
نفس ويلقاك مُلقياً عُذرَهْ
159. Not the neighbor hastens the neighborhood nor
Curses one who came disputing his travel
١٥٩. أهدى لك المدح فيه خادمك ال
سابق من أهل بَيْعةِ السَّمُرَهْ
160. Like a custom that did not cease for every
Father your barefoot ones overwhelmed his chambers
١٦٠. أولُ كُتّابك افتتحتَ به
أمرك ثم ارتضيت مختبرَه
161. Goodness is not bought by praise nor
Do its sincere constant efforts remain compensated by pearls
١٦١. أهدى بُنيَّاتِ نفسه ولو اس
طاع لأهدى مكانها عُمُرَه
162. Its favor is allowed by sufficiency and the granted
Soul’s purpose and it meets you presenting its excuse
١٦٢. لا أوحش المجدُ يا بني عمر
منكم فأنتمُ أجَلُّ من عَمَرَهْ
163. The early servant presented praise to you in it
Your foremost in the pledge of conversationalists
١٦٣. وعشتم في لَبوسِ عافيةٍ
يقاتل الدهرُ عنكُمُ غِيَرَهْ
164. The first of your writers you inaugurated
Your matter by him then approved his examination
١٦٤. دونَكها حُلّةً محبرةً
تَطرِف من كل حاسد بصره
165. He presented the intentions of himself and if
Possible he would present his lifetime in their stead
١٦٥. زينةُ فخرٍ إذا تَلَبَّسها
سيدُ قوم لفاخرٍ فخَره
166. Glory in you all does not make lonely oh son of
Umar for you are more majestic than it
١٦٦. جُنّة حِرْزٍ إذا تدرَّعها
لقائلِ الهُجْر نَهْنَهَتْ ظُفُرَه
167. And you lived in clothes of wellbeing
Fate for you against others contends
١٦٧. قصيرةُ البيتِ وهي سابغةٌ
على هوى السامعين مُقتَدِره
١٦٨. كَيَوْمِك الأرْيَحيِّ قصّره
ربك في عمرك الذي وَفَره
١٦٩. طالت فألوى بطولها كرمٌ
فيك جسيم فقيل مُختَصره
١٧٠. ولو علت لابساً سوالك من ال
نَاس لطالت وبينت قِصَرَه