1. Her eyes turned away from a lover, she denounced
His charms, the traces of his love made the poor soul less fair
١. نبتْ عينها عن عاشقٍ قَبَّحتْ لها
محاسنَهُ المسكينَ آثارُ حبِّهِ
2. Her friends said to her when she turned away
You have punished the youth not for his sins but for yours
٢. فقالت لها أترابها حين أعرضت
بذنبكِ عاقبتِ الفتى لا بذنبِهِ
3. It was your love that afflicted him until you came to despise him
And until you saw death as justice for being close to him
٣. هواكِ الذي أبلاهُ حتى شنِئْتِهِ
وحتى رأيتِ الموتَ عِدْلاً لقربِهِ
4. And now you would deliver him to death after
You have taken the sweetness and joy of life from him
٤. وقد تُسلميهِ للمنيّةِ بعدما
ذهبتِ بحلو العيش منه وعذبِهِ