
My innovation is as its name implies an innovation

بدعة عندي كاسمها بدعه

1. My innovation is as its name implies an innovation
No pretense in that, and no deception

١. بدعةُ عندي كاسمها بدعَهْ
لا إفك في ذاك ولا خدعَهْ

2. Circumstance assembles for her gathering
Beauty and benevolence in her land

٢. يجتمع الظرف لجلّاسها
والحسن والإحسان في بقعه

3. O you who ask about her fortune
To people a share, to her nine shares

٣. يا أيها السائل عن حظها
للناس جزء ولها تسعه

4. As though she sang to the morning sun
So she dressed it in her splendor and finery

٤. كأنما غنت لشمس الضحى
فألبستها حسنها خلعه

5. Of one whose benevolence God has decreed
How excellent is my Qumariyya’s chanting

٥. ممن قضى الله بإحسانه
ما أحسنت قُمْرِيَّةٌ سَجْعه

6. She has a tempo in her songs
Moderating slowness and speed

٦. لها مسير في أغانيها
توسَّطَ الإبطاءَ والسرعه

7. As though the softness heard in her
Is the softness of a lament that preceded her tear

٧. كأنما رقة مسموعها
رقَّةُ شكوى سبقت دمعه

8. She guides to your heart what it desires
As though she was made privy to its secrets

٨. تهدي إلى قلبك ما يشتهي
كأنها قد أُطلِعَت طِلعه

9. She excels at the start but
More excellent still is her return

٩. تحسن في البدأة لكنها
أحسن من بدأتها الرجعه

10. If she were to sing to a corpse at its bier
Or her lute enlivened one listless

١٠. لو أسندت ميتاً إلى نحرها
أو عودها ثاب من الضجعه

11. She sang without need for a musician
Does dawn require a candle?

١١. غنت فلم تحوج إلى زامرٍ
هل يحوج الصبح إلى شمعه

12. And a band paid tribute to her wonders
From a gazelle who finished its frolicking

١٢. وشيع الزمرُ أعاجيبَها
من ظبية أوفت على تلعه

13. So it was a crown that increased the delight
Not a turban covering over a bald head

١٣. فكان تاجاً زاد في بهجة
لا كُمَّةً غطَّت على صلعه

14. Woe to the son of Ayyub for missing
The pleasurable hearing and artfulness

١٤. ويح ابن أيوب لقد فاته
منها السماع اللَّذُ والصنعه

15. What cares he after attaining
What we have described that raptured his hearing

١٥. فما يبالي بعدما ناله
مما وصفنا ما دهى سمعه

16. And how wretched is he whose heart
She captured rending it to pieces

١٦. وكم شقي ملكت قلبه
فقطعته قطعةً قطعه

17. Misfortune opposed her command
While the seven stars assisted her

١٧. عانده في أمرها نحسه
وساعدتها الأنجم السبعه

18. So too whoever draws near her perimeter
Let the perimeter intercede for him

١٨. كذاك من يقرب من خطة
تكن له الخطَّة بالشفعه

19. She remained displaying her face to us
In the prime of Friday like a congregation

١٩. ظلت وقد أبدت لنا وجهها
في ضحوة الجمعة كالجمعه

20. As though the sun on an overcast day
Flashed its glimmer for our eyes

٢٠. كأنما تجلو لأبصارنا
من شمس يوم غائم لمعه

21. I swear had I been able to capture her chanting
And it was a string I would see no pairs

٢١. أقسمت لو مكنت من شدوها
وكان وتراً لا أرى شَفعه

22. I would not care for any kingdom or queen
No matter how the Prophet urged or strove

٢٢. لم أحفل الملك ولا ملكه
ما حنَّتِ النيبُ ولا نزعه

23. And my heart would be forever her jurisdiction
And my hearing forever her guard

٢٣. وكان قلبي أبداً ظرفه
وكان سمعي أبداً قمعه

24. And she would leave me, as long as I faced her
On the meadow of immortality grazing

٢٤. وخلتني ما دمت تلقاءها
من جنة الخلد على تُرعه

25. Impose on whoever you have favor with
For some of a young man’s imposition raises him

٢٥. طفِّل على من حَصُلت عنده
فبعض تطفيل الفتى رفعه

26. And open the door that lies beyond her
It will open to you at your conquest like a fortress

٢٦. واستفتح الباب الذي دونها
تفتح لدى فتحكه قلعه

27. That is a spring whose meadow we took joy in
So the free born will not be blamed for negligence

٢٧. تلك ربيع فانتجع روضه
فلن يعاب الحر بالنجعه

28. Safeguard her gathering actively
For by God it is a pleasure without parallel

٢٨. حافظ على مجلسها جاهداً
فإنه ناهيك من متعه

29. And relate it to people proudly
For however you wish from its loftiness

٢٩. وحدث الناس به فاخراً
فإنه ما شئت من سُمْعه

30. A noble master who wins glory on the day of trial caused me to hear her
But then he habitually wronged me

٣٠. أسمعنيها سيدٌ ماجدٌ
يفوز بالمجد لدى القرعه

31. To follow joy with anguish
He showed me generosity

٣١. لكنه عودني ظالماً
أن يتبع الفرحة بالفجعه

32. Cloaking me in daring
While my face by him was joyous

٣٢. بيناه قد ألبسني نخوة
بالعطف إذ ألبسني خشعه

33. He covered my face with a slap
Awakening me from the intoxication of his pleasures

٣٣. وبينما وجهي به مسفر
إذ برقعت وجهي به سُفعه

34. To an awakening followed by slumber
I am summoned so I hasten but then see a frown

٣٤. يفيق لي من سكر لذاته
إفاقة تتبعها هجعه

35. Sullen before him is the refusal and refusal
So an intercessor goads him and a patch goads another patch

٣٥. أُدعَى فأَسعى فأرى حاجباً
جهماً لديه المنع والمنعه

36. And the soul is in confusion and bewilderment
While my body’s freshness complains of its ribs

٣٦. فشافعٌ يحفزه شافعٌ
ورقعة تحفزها رقعه

37. From a blow followed by a pull
And a pull followed by a blow

٣٧. والنفس في لبس وفي حيرة
والجسم نضوُ يشتكي ظَلعه

38. Pulling me to push with such force
Pushing me to pull with haste

٣٨. من دفعةٍ تتبعها جذبةٌ
وجذبةٍ تتبعها دفعه

39. Woe! How bitter is the draught from him
And how salty is the draught

٣٩. يجذبني للدفع ذو قوة
يدفعني للجذب في سرعه

40. As though in his actions a bee
That follows a sting with sweetness

٤٠. ويحيَ كم تعذب لي جرعة
منه وكم تملُحُ لي جرعه

41. The best of speech is from a brother whose honesty
O you who refused the reins and let them go

٤١. كأنه في فعله نحلة
تتبع منها مجَّةً لسعه

42. Your servant, if you give me my due from clarity
But if you transgress then who can stop you

٤٢. خير حديثٍ من أخٍ صدقُهُ
يا من أبت أعراقه وضعه

43. There present yourself whatever private matters confine you
For your circumstances have narrowed their breadth

٤٣. عبدك إن أنصفت من بانة
فإن تعديت فمن نَبعه

44. And if you hoped for affection short of striving
What has expanded to you would not narrow

٤٤. ها هو مبدٍ لك مكنونَهُ
فقد أضاقت حاله ذرعه

45. But you discern only coolness from him
Away from a suspicion that shook its pillar

٤٥. ولو رجا ودك دون الجدا
ما كظ ما قد سُمتَه وُسعه

46. Neither have his eyes wept from regret
Nor has he complained of agony to the intimately familiar

٤٦. لكنه يلحظُ منك القلى
عن ظنة قد زلزلت ربعه

47. Nor has God seen him beseeching
The origin of consent from you or a branch

٤٧. وما بكت عيناه من حسرة
ولا شكا بين الحشا لذعه

48. So why should I beseech my estranged
Not for an ambitious one seeking a bond

٤٨. ولا رآه الله مستعطفاً
أصل الرضا منك ولا فرعه

49. Nor for a sin have I come deserving
Turn me back if I have come without being called

٤٩. فكيف أستعطف مستنفري
لا لطماح يبتغي قذعه

50. The free man is not provoked by one who provokes
Even if his nose is cleaved

٥٠. ولا لذنب جئتُهُ موجبٍ
ردِّي إذا جئت ولم أُدْعه

51. In the loyalty of the brethren is my safekeeping
And in hope of God is my satisfaction

٥١. والحر ما استنفرتَه نافرٌ
ولو تلقّى أنفه جدعه

52. Whenever have I sought affection from a hater
Or directed my foot to rugged terrain

٥٢. في بُلَغِ الإخوان لي عصمةٌ
وفي رجاء الله لي شبعه

53. May God not destine for me a stumbling
Or diminish for me a collapse

٥٣. متى توددتُ إلى مبغضٍ
أو يممت بي قدمي صقعه

54. Do you not know whose neighbor in his ruling
I see the deposing of a king

٥٤. فلا أقال الله لي عثرة
ولا أقل الله لي صرعه

55. My condition with the angels is that I do not see
For myself everyday interaction with him

٥٥. أما درى من جار في حكمه
من ملك أني أرى خلعه

56. Who does not follow the elite to pelt me with gravel
Nor tranquility with panic

٥٦. شرطي من الأملاك من لا أرى
لي كل يوم معه وقعه

57. Of one whose sword fraternizes with its sheath
But does not fraternize with the drawing of its blade

٥٧. لا يتبع الصفوة لي بالقذى
ولا الطمأنينة بالفزعه

58. And does not see that when I visit him
I intended the brawl and altercation

٥٨. ممن يؤاخي سيفُهُ غمدَهَ
ولا يؤاخي سيفه نِطعه

59. Leave this one and move on to another
And consent to one whose nature you have angered

٥٩. ولا يرى أني إذا زرته
قصدت للهرسة والمقعه

60. And shelter fleeing one enraged
Restraining yourself suffices to subdue him

٦٠. دع ذا وجاوزه إلى غيره
وارضَ لمن أغضبتَه طبعه

61. God forbid prominence pursues him
Prominence pursued by humility

٦١. وَأْمَنْ شواظاً فار من غيظه
يكفِكَ حلمٌ راجح قمعه

62. And if I saw despair from his pardon
None would have seen this flattery from me

٦٢. حاشاه أن تتبعه عزة
من عزة تتبعها خضعه

63. A servant has no obligation to obey
A master who neglected him and did not shepherd him

٦٣. ولو رأيت اليأس من عفوه
لم ير مني هذه الخنعه

64. I angered him until his ignorance was excessive
But he did not say in blame what pierces

٦٤. وما على عبد أخي طاعة
ضيعه مولى ولم يرعه

65. O you hoped for in his time
Be gentle with the tender sprigs with dew

٦٥. أغضبه حتى طغا جهله
فلم يقل في لومه قذعه

66. Take initiative doing good to ward off its detriments
For the foundation of life is on bastions

٦٦. يا أيها المأمول في دهره
زع من عُرامي بالندى وزعه

67. And sow crops whose harvest you will approve
For all are reapers of what they have sown

٦٧. بادر بمعروفك آفاته
فَبِنيةُ الدنيا على القُلعه

68. I had solace in knowing you
Had you not let me taste beginnings

٦٨. وازرع زروعاً ترتضي ريعها
يوماً فكلٌّ حاصدٌ زرعه

69. But I aspired for its fruits
So grant my hand fruits

٦٩. قد كنت عن عرفك ذا سلوةٍ
لو لم تكن ذوقتني طَلْعه

70. Does the freeborn begrudge his rightful share
Of one who gently shook his soft trunk?

٧٠. لكن تشوَّفْتُ إلى ينعه
بطلعه فامنح يدي يَنْعه

٧١. هل يمنع الحرُّ جنى حظِّهِ
من هزَّ هزّاً ليِّناً جِذْعه