1. Abu Al-Hussein is impressed by his own purity
He does not accept advice from his friends
١. أبو الحسين معجب برائِهِ
لا يقبل الشُّورى منَ اَصْدقائِهِ
2. So may the curse of Allah be upon his brotherhood
And he has inflicted distress upon the unarmed
٢. فلعنة اللَّهِ على إخائِهِ
وأَدْخَلَ الأجردَ في وَجْعَائِهِ
3. He swims in ignorance and in his vanity
And to his brethren he is unkind
٣. يسبح في الجهل وفي طَخْيائِهِ
وهو لدى الإخوان من جفائِهِ
4. Because of his transgression and his deviations
He has wronged his enemies in the name of truth
٤. ومِنْ تَعَدِّيه ومن إلوائِهِ
بالحق إذ جَارَ على أعدائِهِ
5. I have picked his feathers because of his resentments
But I cannot heal what ails him
٥. قَمَرْتُهُ الفرخَ على ضُغائه
فما يفي وكِعْتُ عن دوائِهِ
6. Surely the miser is dead in his sickness
And his affairs are all behind him
٦. إنَّ البخيل ميتٌ بدائِهِ
وأمرُهُ كلٌّ إلى ورائِهِ
7. But I exceed in my demands of him
And I ask Allah to cast him out
٧. لكنني أفرِط في اقتضائِهِ
وأَستخير اللَّه في إقصائِهِ