
Greet Abu Hassan a gift, greet Abu Hassan

حيا أبو حسن وهب أبا حسن

1. Greet Abu Hassan a gift, greet Abu Hassan
With a robe his clothes have adorned an example

١. حيا أبو حسنٍ وهبٌ أبا حسنٍ
بضرطةٍ طيرتْ عُثنونه خُصلا

2. Then it continued and became in the countries for him
As if it had sent from behind him an example

٢. ثم استمرّتْ فصارتْ في البلادِ له
كأنها أرسلتْ من دبرهِ مثلا

3. Evil is the greeting with which the minister greeted him at dawn
And the gathering from the nobles of the people was crowded

٣. بئسَ التحيةُ حياها الوزير ضُحىً
والحفل من سرواتِ القومِ قد حَفلا

4. Oh how I wish my hair knew about Wahb and his folly
And how she rebuked him in private when they were alone

٤. يا ليتَ شعرِيَ عن وهب وفقحتهِ
وكيف عاتبها في الحشّ حين خلا