
A beloved whom God showed me the day we parted

حبيب أراني الله يوم فراقه

1. A beloved whom God showed me the day we parted
I went astray, not seeing in his love my rightmindedness

١. حبيبٌ أراني الله يومَ فِرَاقِهِ
غَويت وما أبصْرتُ في حبه رُشْدِي

2. I softened towards his utter ugliness, softness
Did you not, my heart, lead me to love him?

٢. رقَقْتُ له من قبحه المحْضِ رِقَّةً
ألاَنْت لهُ قَلْبِي فَقَادَتْ له وُدِّي

3. I saw him with a face so ugly the eyes blink
He has the form of the sun in bleary eyes

٣. فَتَاه بِوجْهٍ يَطْرفُ العينَ قِبْحُهُ
له صورة كالشَّمسِ في الأعين الرُّمد

4. No wonder that he who was like him
Resembled the beloved in confusion and rejection

٤. ولا عَجَبٌ أن كانَ من كانَ مِثْلَهُ
تشَبَّهَ بالمعْشوُقِ في التيِّه والصدِّ

5. Unless he were totally an ape, his story would not be complete
And in ugliness, the image of the ape would not be perfect for him

٥. إذا لم يكن قِرْداً تَمَاماً حِكَاية
وقبحاً فلم تكملْ لهُ صورة القردِ