1. I heard the caller's cry at his death
"At your service, at your service," from one who calls clearly
١. أقولُ إذْ هَتَفَ الدَّاعي بمصْرعِه
لبَّيْكَ لبيك من داع بتَبْيينِ
2. You were mourned by eyes whose torrents were frozen for him
Yet no tear falls from a grieving eye
٢. نعيْتَ من جَمَدتْ غُزْرُ العيونِ له
فلم تَفِضْ عَبْرةٌ من عَيْنِ مَحْزون
3. And who will say few prayers for him
While people recite verses about him
٣. ومَنْ يَقِلُّ لَهُ الدَّاعِي بمغفرةٍ
ويُنشدُ النَّاسُ فيه بيتَ يَقْطين
4. If disasters strike you from the days
None will cry for you, neither world nor faith
٤. فإن تُصبْكَ من الأَيَّام جائحةٌ
لم يُبْكَ منكَ على دُنْيا ولا دين
5. O Munkar and Nakir, torment him, for he
Was seldom virtuous, accursed one
٥. يا مُنكراً ونكيراً أوجِعاهُ فَقَدْ
خَلَوْتُما بقليلِ الخير ملْعون
6. Away, dashed to pieces, with the one who destroys seed
Deformed of form, of devils' line
٦. بُعْداً وسُحْقاً له من هالك نَطِفٍ
مُشَوَّه الخلقِ من نسل الشياطين