
My hopes, do not block my path to contentment

أقاسم لا تسدد سبيلي إلى الرضا

1. My hopes, do not block my path to contentment,
For You are the Guardian, opening every way,

١. أقاسمُ لا تسددْ سبيلي إلى الرضا
فأنت المولّى فتحَ كلِّ سبيلِ

2. And do not let presumption be my companion,
For You see it not as a companion to the noble.

٢. ولا تجعلنّ الظن ما عشتَ صاحباً
فلستَ تراه صاحباً لنبيلِ

3. Do you accept the claim of presumption, which is fanciful,
And forsake the likes of me, that is not fanciful?

٣. أتقبل دعوى الظن وهي مُخيلةٌ
وتتركُ مثلي وهْي غيرُ مُخيلِ

4. And my praise of You has gone on every course,
Pushing ahead; indeed, flowing down every stream.

٤. وقد سار مدحي فيك كلَّ مسيرة
مزحزحةٍ بل سال كلَّ مسيلِ

5. If You say what I deny is true,
Excuse then the sin of an apologizing lowly one.

٥. فإن قلت قد صحَّ الذي أنت جاحدٌ
فهبْ ذنبَ جانٍ لاعتذارِ ذليلِ

6. The night was long upon me when You denied me
Your pleasure, yet the night was not long.

٦. أطال عليّ الليلُ أنْ قد منعتني
رضاكَ وكان الليلُ غيرَ طويلِ

7. And that You spoke truly of suspicions and what
Was claimed in my story without proof.

٧. وأنك صدقتَ الظنونَ وما أتت
على ما ادّعتْ من قصتي بدليلِ

8. And since You spurned me and veiled me from You
They saw the face of one who then spoke and told.

٨. وإنّ العدا مذ عُلتني وحَجبتني
رأوْا وجه قالٍ عند ذاك وقيلِ

9. If You were generous to me in plenty they said, hated one
Ransomed himself from nearness by ample funds.

٩. وإن جُدتَ لي بالكُثْر قالوا مبغَّضٌ
فدى نفسَه مِنْ قُربِه بجزيلِ

10. If You were generous to me in paucity, their spokesman said
A little was cast in his face by a little.

١٠. وإن جدتْ لي بالقُلّ قال خطيبُهم
قليلٌ رُمِي في وجهه بقليلِ

11. Your generosity with bounty You have granted
Is healing, so do not mix it for me with bitterness.

١١. وجودُك بالفضلِ الذي قدْ بذلته
شفاءٌ فلا تمزجه لي بغليلِ

12. All that You have advanced me of favor
Is beautiful, so do not follow it with less than beautiful.

١٢. وكلّ الذي أسلفتني من صنيعةٍ
جميلٌ فلا تُردفه غيرَ جميلِ

13. You have attained, so if You wish to dismiss favorably,
Then dismiss me, and I never knew You as one who dismisses.

١٣. أنلتَ فإن شئتَ الإقالة محسناً
أقلتَ ولم أعهدْك غيرَ مُقيلِ

14. And they said, ailing one! I said no, and even if he be
Ailing, his beneficence is not ailing.

١٤. وقالوا عليلٌ قلتُ كلا وإن يكنْ
عليلاً فما إحسانُهُ بعليلِ

15. He who exalted him clothed him in health and strength,
And his days were the best companion.

١٥. كساهُ الذي أعلاهُ بُرْءاً وصحّةً
وكانت له الأيامُ خيرَ خليلِ

16. He came and went while well-being was with him
A blanket for overnight rest or the bedding of one at rest.

١٦. وأضحى وأمسى والسلامةُ عنده
لحافَ مبيتٍ أو فراش مقيلِ